New Dungeon World/Dungeon Planet Adventure Conversion: In the Moon Bog

New Dungeon World/Dungeon Planet Adventure Conversion: In the Moon Bog

New Dungeon World/Dungeon Planet Adventure Conversion: In the Moon Bog

“Some time ago, the Screeching Comet shattered the night skies and crashed into the Moon Bog. Since then, a creeping doom has slowly warped the flora and fauna of the area. Those spending too much time in the bog are overcome by an alien sickness. Recently, mutant man-frogs have been encountered and villagers have gone missing. What horror resides in the Moon Bog?”

One Page Dungeon:

My conversion notes:

Once again trapped in a hospital waiting room, when I should be writing something else I end up with writer’s block that results into my converting this one page dungeon gem homage to Dave Arneson’s classic The Temple of the Frog. If your idea of Thanksgiving fun isn’t battling mutant frogs and giant hairy space aliens how do you spend your holidays??

As always feedback of any type,comments, general observations, lavish undeserved praise, war stories, etc. are most welcome!