The chronomancer recently reached Best Copper Seller on DrivethruRPG.

The chronomancer recently reached Best Copper Seller on DrivethruRPG.

Originally shared by Dwarfare Games

The chronomancer recently reached Best Copper Seller on DrivethruRPG. As it has become our custom, we are in the process of updating the class’ artwork and layout to match our most recent products. This will be the third iteration for the cover art, take a look at the new one and those before it. Which one is your favorite? #dungeonworld

3 thoughts on “The chronomancer recently reached Best Copper Seller on DrivethruRPG.”

  1. Hey Victor. Just bought it – my partner is a big time travel fan so i’m sure she’ll love trying it out. Re: the cover. The very first one speaks to me the most – the design, style and colours are beautiful. 🙂

  2. Lu Quade Thanks! I’ve had people that like the second and the first images much more than the others. That’s why I left the two old versions there. I personally prefer the first one as well.

    I hope she enjoys the class. Let me know how it goes!

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