Victor Julio Hurtado I just noticed that the Chronomancer has no race options.

Victor Julio Hurtado I just noticed that the Chronomancer has no race options.

Victor Julio Hurtado I just noticed that the Chronomancer has no race options. I’m not sure if that’s a deliberate choice… the player does have options to choose between Keeper, Watcher or Wielder, so perhaps those are Backgrounds which supersede race?

Anyway, I came up with some ideas for race moves for the Chronomancer this morning. I’ve not written racial class moves before, so I thought I’d make the suggestions here in the Tavern, so others can give feedback. Also, they might be useful to people even if they don’t end up in the actual playbook.

Human: Your visions of the past reveal many things. When you first enter an important location (your call), you may state a secret you have seen in visions about its history. If that secret turns out to be true in your current timeline, mark XP.

Elf: Your people’s long lifespans gives you natural insight into the eddies of time. Add the following question to your list of options when you Discern Realities: What here is out of place in this timeline?

Halfling: Your glimpses of the future make you a valuable friend. You may retroactively Aid an ally to avoid a catastrophic outcome even after that outcome has actually started to come to pass, and take +1 forward when you do so.–A-Dungeon-World-Playbook

2 thoughts on “Victor Julio Hurtado I just noticed that the Chronomancer has no race options.”

  1. Robert Rendell Hi there. In regards to races ive taken David Guyll ‘s approach where you can be any race you want and you just choose a background. However, I like what you came up with and as with the Paradox rules, I will add it as a sidebar!

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