If anyone will be within travel distance of Hamilton Ontario on the weekend of July 18-20, I will be running some Dungeon World games at Con-Bravo: http://conbravo.com/
They are:
The Frozen South – using Marshall Miller’s excellent Dungeon Starter available here: http://www.finemessgames.com/DWsupplements/dungeonstarters
The Third Verse – using the awesome adventure from Red Box Vancouver (although it is too big to get through all of it in 4 hours) available here: http://redboxvancouver.wordpress.com/2013/10/28/rk3-the-third-verse/
The event list isn’t up yet, but I believe it will be soon. I may not be the only person running Dungeon World games that weekend. Love to see you there!
Marshall Miller and Johnstone Metzger for their info and to thank them for such awesome work.
(As an aside, if I have violated the Community policy by linking to the Convention website, please let me know and I will correct)
Mikael Andersson
Cool beans!
Nice to see some local-ish posts here!
Rad, hope it turns out well!
While I won’t be able to make it, it’s great to see something happening so close to home. We’ve got a bunch of Dungeon World enthusiasts down here in St Catharines, which is just a stones throw away. I’ll let them know this is happening!