I’m working on Lands of the Dead some more, specifically the player facing content of custom moves, compendium…

I’m working on Lands of the Dead some more, specifically the player facing content of custom moves, compendium…

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

I’m working on Lands of the Dead some more, specifically the player facing content of custom moves, compendium classes, and the prospect of turning them into full classes. All of the moves I have so far can found at the bottom of the document, but do people think these classes sound interesting? I’m still figuring out if the concepts have enough legs for 26 stand alone moves.

The Psychopomp

Most folk don’t know how thin the veil is between this world and the next. If your average farmer, peddler, or innkeeper knew how often the Dead caused misfortune for the Living, none of them would sleep soundly again. It is your responsibility, your duty to make sure the Dead stay on their side of the Veil, either by helping the lost find their way, or sending the more recalcitrant spirits back where they belong.

The Ritualist

There is power in sacrifice and dark rituals, and that power is yours. With your rituals and rites, you can perform incredible feats and change the fates of those around you. Sometimes, your rituals demand a price that cannot be paid by you alone, and others must be sacrificed. Whatever the cost for your power, you know you are perpetually at risk of losing your soul.

The Ethereal

You are defined by your lack of physical definition. While others are part of the tactile world, a world of warmth and touch, the physical is beyond you, but you are beyond it! Freed from the shackles of matter and form, you can go others cannot, see what others cannot, and achieve what others can only dream of.

The Deathstrider

There and Back again. You have been to the other side of Death, and you have seen what eternity has in store for some. You have come back to life, but the experience has left you scarred, and gifted. Will you be able to leave your experience behind? Or will you continue to stride forward, looking into the dark that others turn away from?

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