7 thoughts on “Who need another Apocalypse style clock for impeding dooms and other timed events?”

  1. I don’t know if it is in DW proper, but it comes from Apocalypse World.

    Basically, you assign some escalating fictional event with each segment, going clockwise.

    Then, you fill in the segments as appropriate until the ultimate event happens. It is a literal clock… 

  2. Also, when a player fails a move, I love to put the clock on the table, and as a move of mine, fill a space of the clock, showing that “the evil plan” is going on, toward the bad end! 

  3. I love that a “failed roll” isn’t always the failure of the action the player is rolling for 😀 It’s mind blowing for me, as master. Now I see RpGs in a whole other way. Always always thanks Apocalypse/Dungeon World.

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