Just a random comment regarding this great creative community.

Just a random comment regarding this great creative community.

       Just a random comment regarding this great creative community. I really appreciate many of the contributions that are aids for those playing the game. I do my best to spread the joy of RPG games and real time spent with people in face to face interaction. (I love video games and spent nearly six years of my life on COH/COV.) But on-line games just don’t compare to real time interactions in person or via camera/microphone. 

       Getting players to try a game is fairly easy if they are even remotely interested in fantasy, getting a new player to run a game is an immense hurdle. (At least that I how I have experienced it.) I think so many of the playing aids here and different conversations have provided me with more tools and resources to encourage players to step up as it were.  I know GMing is not for everyone, but I suspect that many worry about the awkwardness of it as they begin.  Everyone develops their own style and the more one tries the better they become at it.  Happy rant over, please return to your regular Thursday routines.

One thought on “Just a random comment regarding this great creative community.”

  1. Well the thing that makes people go eh…maybe someone better then me should do it cause you get that pressure that you have to describe everything and get all the moves right and you kind of don’t know what your doing. I had that in my first session I was terrible but I learnt and got better I think you definitely need players that will understand ok its your first time so you might screw up and not do things properly but that doesn’t matter.

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