

So. I just realized that in-game conversations can have GM moves dropped into them! I mean, I know it should be evident–but the entire structure can totally fit just fine, even including soft moves and golden opportunities for hard moves!


The halfling Thief raises an eyebrow at Captain Thels. “What, you got something against our dragon buddy?”

Thels’ glamour slips slightly, revealing a face scarred with burns. “The past has taught me well.” (Reveal an unwelcome truth. Soft move.)

The Thief waves it off. “Oh, get over it.” (Ignoring the soft move.)

Thels slowly picks the Thief up, and tosses them out of the window! (Show a downside of their race. Hard move!) The conversation has officially concluded.


You wouldn’t use this all the time, but I suspect a well-placed GM move or two in an in-game conversation can spice things up heftily!

2 thoughts on “So.”

  1. This is the key to deep improvisational game parlance Andy. I LOVE doing this. It roots the game in the fiction’s dialogue seamlessly if done with aplomb. It also starts the moves snowball, if the players trigger one of their moves during the conversation. So awesome.

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