9 thoughts on “Could anyone point me to some conversions of Eberron race and class to Dungeon World?”

  1. I’m actually working on a full conversion of Eberron! Just look up my name and “artificer” to find the most recent version of the class I’ve posted. I’ll post the class moves in a second.



    Artificer: Your experience with various mercantile houses has left you a canny haggler. You can reduce the price of anything you purchase by your INT+3.

    Cleric: The most probable deities for a dwarf cleric are the Sovereign Host (specifically Dol Dorn, Kol Korran, and Onatar).

    Fighter: When you share a drink with someone, you can Parley using CON instead of CHA.


    Bard: When you enter an important location (your call) you can ask the GM for one fact from the history of that location.

    Cleric: The most probable deity for an Aerenal cleric is the Undying Court. The most probable deity for a dark elf cleric is the Mockery, under the name of the scorpion-god Vulkoor. Look at humans for most probable deities for a Khorvaire elf cleric. The most probable deity for a Valenar cleric is Spirits of the Past. 

    Druid: The sap of the elder trees flows within you. In addition to any other attunements, the Great Forest is always considered your land.

    Fighter: Choose one weapon – you can always treat weapons of that type as if they had the precise tag.

    Paladin: Holy light radiates within your soul, causing any impure creature that touches you to take damage equal to your CHA.

    Ranger: When you undertake a perilous journey through wilderness whatever job you take you succeed as if you rolled a 10+.

    Thief: When you stand in shadow, no one will notice until you make a movement.

    Wizard: Magic is as natural as breath to you. Detect Magic is a cantrip for you.


    Cleric: The most probable deities for a halfling cleric are the Sovereign Host (specifically Arawai, Balinor, and Boldrei).

    Druid: You have access to a new Land: The Land Before Time.

    Ranger: You can choose a dinosaur as an animal companion (your choice what species). In addition, it gains +1 armor.

    Thief: When you attack with a ranged weapon, deal +2 damage.


    Artificer: When you roll a 10+ on Ooh, What Does This Button Do?, you can decide how the item works better.

    Bard: When you first enter a civilized settlement someone who respects the custom of hospitality to minstrels will take you in as their guest.

    Cleric: The least probable deities for a human cleric are the Lord of Blades, the Becoming God, the Undying Court, and Spirits of the Past.

    Druid: As your people learned to bind animals to field and farm, so too are you bound to them. You may always take the shape of any domesticated animal, in addition to your normal options.

    Fighter: Once per battle, you may reroll a single damage roll (yours or someone else’s).

    Paladin: When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?” the GM will tell you, honestly.

    Ranger: When you make camp in a dungeon or city, you don’t need to consume a ration.

    Thief: You are a professional. When you spout lore or discern realities about criminal activities, take +1.

    Wizard: When you prepare spells, you can prepare one additional wizard spell level.



    Bard: When you are Charming and Open with someone and wear the form of someone from their homeland, you can ask another question for free.

    Cleric: The most probable deities for a changeling cleric are the Dark Six (specifically the Traveler).

    Thief: You have one or several alternate identities. Define them, and take +1 when trying to keep up your disguise.

    Wizard: You have a practical understanding of physical and mental change. Take +1 when casting an enchantment spell.


    Artificer: You may ask the GM three questions when using Hands-On Knowledge.

    Bard: You are obsessed with knowledge. Choose an additional Bardic Lore area of expertise.

    Cleric: The most probable deities for a gnome cleric are the Sovereign Host (specifically Aureon) and the Silver Flame.

    Thief: You collect secrets like a squirrel collects nuts. When you meet someone important (your call), you can ask the GM for one thing you know about them. The GM can ask how you know this.

    Wizard: You can learn an additional spell each level.


    You can choose either the elf or human racial move at character creation.


    Cleric: Look at humans for the most probable deities for a half-orc cleric.

    Druid: You can shapeshift into a horrid animal. You gain +1 armor when shapeshifting into an appropriate form.

    Fighter: Your will to live is legendary. Roll twice and take the better result when taking your Last Breath. You can still refuse Death’s offer.

    Ranger: Your skilled perception allows you to see weaknesses in your prey. Take +1 Ongoing against targets you have tracked.


    Battlemind: When you roll a 10+ to assume a stance, choose two stances. You can choose between them at will.

    Cleric: The most probable deity for a kalashtar cleric is the Path of Light.

    Fighter: Your signature weapon is formed from psychic energy. When defining your weapon, choose only one enhancement to start. You choose the other one when you “unsheath” it.

    Paladin: While on a quest, you automatically gain senses that pierce lies, in the form of the light of truth.

    Psion: When you look into someone’s eyes, you see either their greatest hope or their deepest fear, your choice. These can be used as leverage for Parley.

    Soulknife: Your senses are attuned that you can sense the psionic potential in creatures nearby.


    Cleric: The most probable deities for a shifter cleric are the Sovereign Host (specifically Arawai and Balinor) and the Dark Six (specifically the Devourer and the Fury).

    Druid: Choose the animal that represents your lycanthropic ancestry. Take +1 to shapeshift into that form.

    Fighter: Your claws and fangs allow you to deal your class damage without a weapon.

    Ranger: Your animal companion shares your wild side. It gains +1 Ferocity, but it is always savage.


    Artificer: You are intimately familiar with constructs, being one yourself. You gain Constructs and Homunculi as a second area of expertise.

    Cleric: The most probable deities for a warforged cleric are the Sovereign Host (specifically Dol Dorn and Onatar), the Lord of Blades, and the Becoming God.

    Fighter: Your creator installed into you your signature weapon. Your signature weapon has 2 less weight and cannot be taken away from you.

    Paladin: While on a quest, you gain the following boon automatically: Immunity to fear.

    Wizard: While a spell you’ve cast is ongoing, you gain +1 armor.

  4. Mike Wice it’s the most recent version that’s floating around the internet. I’ve got a version in the works that’s much more comprehensive, but it won’t be ready for a little bit.

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