Here’s a little guide I bashed together about my guiding framework on custom moves.

Here’s a little guide I bashed together about my guiding framework on custom moves.

Here’s a little guide I bashed together about my guiding framework on custom moves. It might be a useful place to start when you’re thinking about special front or dungeon moves, or even designing a new playbook.

4 thoughts on “Here’s a little guide I bashed together about my guiding framework on custom moves.”

  1. Tim Franzke: don’t know if that’s yours or not, but as it is the samples need rewritten. When you have an “X things pick Y” move and you flip the positive/negative nature of the things, you also need to flip the number of things you pick to X-Y. So when inverting Bend Bars Lift Gates, a 10+ means you pick 1 bad thing instead of 3 good things.

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