if you’re like me and rubbish at coming up with names on the fly, what might be a good resource fo finding names for…

if you’re like me and rubbish at coming up with names on the fly, what might be a good resource fo finding names for…

if you’re like me and rubbish at coming up with names on the fly, what might be a good resource fo finding names for the many and varied citizens of Dis? 

3 thoughts on “if you’re like me and rubbish at coming up with names on the fly, what might be a good resource fo finding names for…”

  1. I tend to pick words that sounds like the thing in a descriptive fashion and tweak the result some.

    Like the parish of Miasmog came from Miasma + Bog.

    If there’s a elder medusa who is really a vile person, maybe her name is Vail or Vylla.

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