Only found this community recently, but this was a game I ran at a con a while back, and typed up the AAR because I…

Only found this community recently, but this was a game I ran at a con a while back, and typed up the AAR because I…

Only found this community recently, but this was a game I ran at a con a while back, and typed up the AAR because I totally had to share it with people. 

I drew inspiration from the Planarch Codex and things went pretty well, except for a few things: I needed to spend more time before the game clarifying what heritage moves were and probably providing examples for the players, and I wanted to impress on players the weird alien beauty of the place and the Sultana, but also ended up making the Showboat think he couldn’t really use Lover In Every Port. 

I also ended up shifting a couple of the assumptions of Dis, I think, but this was with a group of characters who were fictionally much higher-powered, and being a con game, I wanted them to be able to find some answer to the question they came into Dis asking in the first place.

Anyway, AAR’s in the link, I’d enjoy it if you could read and comment.

One thought on “Only found this community recently, but this was a game I ran at a con a while back, and typed up the AAR because I…”

  1. Haha, whoops! Copied it over from somewhere else and forgot to turn comments on. If you wanted to say something on the document itself, it’s open for that now.

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