Let’s try this again, I stopped the weird glitch by making it a pdf and fixed one error, so let’s see if something…

Let’s try this again, I stopped the weird glitch by making it a pdf and fixed one error, so let’s see if something…

Let’s try this again, I stopped the weird glitch by making it a pdf and fixed one error, so let’s see if something else goes wrong!


any and all comments and critiques are welcome, this is my first time making a playbook for Dungeon World.

3 thoughts on “Let’s try this again, I stopped the weird glitch by making it a pdf and fixed one error, so let’s see if something…”

  1. I think it would make more sense for 7-9 on Mirror Mirror to read: “On a 7-9, you only generate a single image and choose one.” Remove the first option on the choices and that move is solid. Just my suggestion, otherwise I dig it.

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