Magic Item Monday; #DruidWeek  Boogaloo;

Magic Item Monday; #DruidWeek  Boogaloo;

Magic Item Monday; #DruidWeek  Boogaloo; 

The Wolf Cloak 

The wearer of this cloack, made out of wolfpelts is protected against the cold. 

Well; that is not all. If you howl like a wolf while wearing this cloak you can make the Shapeshift Move to turn into a wolf yourself. However, when you do this the first time, start a countdown with 6 segments. When you roll a 10+ on you Shapeshift, fill in 2 segments, on a 7-9 fill in 1. When all the segments are filled you are forever trapped in the form of the wolf, unable to transform back. 

7 thoughts on “Magic Item Monday; #DruidWeek  Boogaloo;”

  1. “forever trapped” is a relative term of course with all the divine and primal and arcane spellcasters running around. Maybe that nice and friendly Shaman in the frozen north can help you. 

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