Hi All,
More questions, how are people handling unarmed combat? Is it. Just a hack and slash action? If someone wants to specialize in it do you require them to take a custom move? Thank you for your input.
Hi All
Hi All,
More questions, how are people handling unarmed combat? Is it. Just a hack and slash action? If someone wants to specialize in it do you require them to take a custom move? Thank you for your input.
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I’d do hack&slash as usual but without weapon damage bonuses (we’not using weapons, right?) and dealing only phantom damage. That means you don’t kill the enemy in the end, just knock him out. Also, the fiction is the boss, of course :)
Andrea Ungaro what does sub mean? I see it in threads from time to time.
Subscribe. So that you get a notice when there is a new post.
Tim Franzke thanks.
sorry for being cryptic
I deal with it as Hack and Slash if they describe some awesome unarmed combat action, or Defy Danger if they don’t. Full class damage, and your narration of unarmed combat will justify why it deals so much damage.
If someone really wants to be an unarmed master, there’s always the Battlemind.
Or my Monk class.
Renato Salzano , link please?
Sometimes it’s hack and slash, sometimes it’s just dealing damage. Sometimes it’s nothing, ’cause you’re an idiot for trying to punch a stone giant in the leg.
Also, Monks and Battleminds and stuff? Those guys don’t attack unarmed. They are armed. With their fists, feet and mind.
A Fighter cna be a kickass martial artist of any kind too.
Word. Fists are a type of signature weapon.
Craig Hatler: It’s only in Italian for now. I’ve posted a english versione some time ago.
The italian pdf: http://caretaker.altervista.org/content/3.giochi-di-ruolo/1.Dungeon-World/ilMonaco.pdf
I have a coworker who speaks Italian, she might be able to help me with it.
In the past I think we just went with something like: Fists (Hand, -1) That always seemed most logical for Hack n Slash rolls.
Where’s your monk class?
My monk class (in english): https://plus.google.com/u/0/104888280385222938957/posts/fVSCFNSM3dS