Girlfriend is stealing my kindle this weekend… what better excuse to print off the Dungeon World book!

Girlfriend is stealing my kindle this weekend… what better excuse to print off the Dungeon World book!

Girlfriend is stealing my kindle this weekend… what better excuse to print off the Dungeon World book!

got it printed as an “instant hardback” at student printers A4 size.

pics (of course, apologies for crap quality)

19 thoughts on “Girlfriend is stealing my kindle this weekend… what better excuse to print off the Dungeon World book!”

  1. Is that back just solid black? Curious how Adam and Sage feel about printing copies for our personal use. I would love a soft cover copy.

  2. Awesome, thanks Adam! I want to support you guys but I stupidly bought the PDF before realizing it came free with the hardback. I’ll be paying more attention to your next products. This one kind of caught me off guard. Had no idea it would be so good.  I even checked out the kickstarter and took a pass. I just didn’t get it. Then I heard some great word of mouth online and looked a little deeper. The PDF was too affordable to pass up and I loved the idea of an .epub I could put on my ereader(Fantastic!). I grabbed that and was immediately hooked. Looking like my main groups first session will be tonight. Can’t wait!

  3. Mike Beacom happy to hear it!  With small games that don’t have much marketing, it’s often hard to know whether you’ll like it or not and sometimes $25 + shipping can be a lot of money!  So, if you’ve got the PDF, feel free to print whatever parts of it will make playing it easier, including, you know, the whole thing.

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