Do you guys think it would be possible somehow to create a hack of Apocalypse or Dungeon World to let players fully…

Do you guys think it would be possible somehow to create a hack of Apocalypse or Dungeon World to let players fully…

Do you guys think it would be possible somehow to create a hack of Apocalypse or Dungeon World to let players fully customize their character by selecting moves instead of choosing a class?

12 thoughts on “Do you guys think it would be possible somehow to create a hack of Apocalypse or Dungeon World to let players fully…”

  1. For sure. I’m playtesting one right now that does that. Basic moves on the front of the playbook, pick two character moves from those on the back. At the beginning of the game, players go around clockwise and then counter-clockwise choosing moves, no duplicates at character generation. Players can pick any move later if/when they advance.

  2. You could also maybe put character moves on cards and let players choose two.

    For something scifi or cyberpunk, it’s possible to swap out one or more of the moves in play, given a little time and the right tech. Advancing gives you additional card slots.

  3. Marshall Miller I’ve done something similar for a zombie apocalypse hack I’ve run. I didn’t want to use the playbook adn I wanted to show how the characters during the game went from being normal people to survivors, so I let pick the playbook’s moves as an advancement (modyfing it to fit the kind of games we wanted to explore).

    …and it worked!

  4. There’s tonnes of options for this sort of hack! My goal was to pull Race off the Playbooks and make a master list to chose from (makes adding new races much easier). 

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