Hi tere!
I’m running a (insofar) urban Dungeon Wolrd campaign. The time has come to go and create The City itself! I think I’ll use the rules for steadings, but create each neighborhood as a distinct steading and then link them together.
What I do need right now though, is a urban map. Something bif enough, with a river and possibly seaside. I’ll make distinction between the “bad” neighborhood and the rich ones… and I think I’ll go and put the majority of temples into the same part of the city.
So, long story short: need a city map! Help me, google people!
Consider breaking it up to leave blanks. You know how, when you go to a city with a subway, you only really learn the area right around each subway stop? Make a bunch of little, focused, city maps for key areas and then make more as you go…
That could work. Only, I think the PCs will leave the city soon enough. And, well, to tell it as it is, my drawing skills are particularly poor and we’re playing via hangout, so… yeah, if I get some smaller maps of smaller steadings, I could link them loosley and I’d gladly leave blanks
You need to get a copy of Vornheim. It would be an awesome tool for this kind of game.
uhm looks cool…
Get a copy of Cities of Harn. Good Maps, few text. Awsome stuff.
try also Sanctuary
and this
I found out (well, Daniele Di Rubbo found out and told me) that old good WotC has tons of maps for free! City maps too!
Daniele Di Rubbo is so sexy. Girls tell me all the time. ;-P
Many thanks Daniele Di Rubbo ! A mine of maps ! You made my day !
for the record, I ended up using a .jpg city map and drawing its edges on a google drive document. Well, of course Daniele Di Rubbo did that for me. I then added numbers and names and little structures. I must say it was not so boring as I expected and the results are good enough!
Did I mention many girls wrote me down e-mails saying I’m so sexy? ;-P
sigh…. yes… yes you did…