Anyone remember the unofficial supplement “5th page” to WoDu 79, cameout sometime in 2005 called World of Carcosa.

Anyone remember the unofficial supplement “5th page” to WoDu 79, cameout sometime in 2005 called World of Carcosa.

Anyone remember the unofficial supplement “5th page” to WoDu 79, cameout sometime in 2005 called World of Carcosa. Trying to get my hands on a transcript or scan of it. Not interested in the longer 11×17 with too much description of horrid things, just the basic one that had the mods on one side for weird fantasy gaming and the hex map on the other side.



#wodu #world of dungeons #carcosa

Tell me about any games of WoD 79, actual play etc.

Tell me about any games of WoD 79, actual play etc.

Tell me about any games of WoD 79, actual play etc. what are the games like? Give me some feeling for what a first session should be like (ala the DW chapter first session which is key to unlocking that game)? Why about monsters?

Peace an happy t-day, hope you survive Black Friday


So my other post about gamma world got me thinking about other zany gonzo games from my youth.

So my other post about gamma world got me thinking about other zany gonzo games from my youth.

So my other post about gamma world got me thinking about other zany gonzo games from my youth. Anyone remember TORG. While a lot of work I could see it would benefit from the * world treatment.

These seem perfect for DW leave blanks…..that plus dungeon as monster – at least from the preview.

These seem perfect for DW leave blanks…..that plus dungeon as monster – at least from the preview.

These seem perfect for DW leave blanks…..that plus dungeon as monster – at least from the preview. Anyone used something like this or have seen the product?

So anyone have hacks for the following monsters, working on my Spidermoon World Dungeon Starter:

So anyone have hacks for the following monsters, working on my Spidermoon World Dungeon Starter:

So anyone have hacks for the following monsters, working on my Spidermoon World Dungeon Starter:

Mind Flayer




I did do some poking around in the codex, but my search-fu is failing me. I don’t mind making up my own, but you know if there is something out there already, well I might want to borrow or at least credit.



So I was thinking in less fighty games do you call for defy danger Cha or int or wis for social settings.

So I was thinking in less fighty games do you call for defy danger Cha or int or wis for social settings.

Originally shared by steven stewart

So I was thinking in less fighty games do you call for defy danger Cha or int or wis for social settings. I am thinking like you have a elf noble who is distrustful of you giving you the third degree when you crash the elf party of of some elfy dudes and chicks dancing and some stuff. You don’t have leverage so there is no parley perse. I was thinking of ways to bring more moves into the game. I think if the player is fast talking his way into why his group of murder hobos fit right in this shindig that would be a defy danger either int or Cha depending on whether he is fast talking or charming him up on how nice his cravat is.

How do others handle social situations and debates without leverage? I like BW social confirmation mechanic but BW has always been beyond my kin while DW is right there in the sweet spot.

So how do you handle social confrentations or encounters where leverage is not at hand but you don’t want to play lets pretend and have a conversation. I was thinking a lot of spout lore, discern realties (which might get you some leverage) and defy danger (with the latter on a 10+ might give you some leverage). Or do I need a custom move. I think the wifey might want more talkin’ and less fightin’ in the current family game. She seemed to like char gen more than fighting the dragon.

Also cogutating on my shadows of the spider moon hack I am working on.

As always thanks in advance for the active community and help.


With the ability now for a few bucks get some classic old dnd modules from drivethru I was wondering if you only…

With the ability now for a few bucks get some classic old dnd modules from drivethru I was wondering if you only…

With the ability now for a few bucks get some classic old dnd modules from drivethru I was wondering if you only bought one adventure to use for inspiration for a dungeon world game what would it be and why? Thinking About purchasing one or two and thought the 1000+ members of this community might have some thoughts






I need a custom move for my family game today. I can’t find the one I am looking for (my googlefu to find old posts that aren’t mine is really sucketh).

There is a portal that leads to the elflands (a parrallel universe type of thing). I expect they will get to the old portal. I am thinking that with magic or spout lore they can easily figure out how to make it work. I was thinking something like:

When you try to activate the cyrstal portal to Gilliand roll +bonds with an elf *on a 10+ the portal works and you can transport yourself to one of the three elven towers of the GM’s choice *on a 7-9 the portal works but you are transported to part of the wilderlands of Gilliand describe the terrain and why there is something dangerous for you *on a 6- the portal explodes into cyrstal shards – describe how you defy danger to avoid d10 hit with no armor. You can use the shards to create a new portal if you can findout where the nexus lines are in a different spot of this world for a ritual.

Let me know your feedback. Peace