Originally shared by Stacey Chancellor
So, I ran a one-shot of Dungeon World last night
So, I ran a one-shot of Dungeon World last night
So, I ran a one-shot of Dungeon World last night
Originally shared by Stacey Chancellor
So, how do you guys handle running a one-shot?
So, how do you guys handle running a one-shot? Do you plan ahead, or just go from the information you gather from the players?
DW the review.
Originally shared by Stacey Chancellor
DW the review.
I find it amusing that the most difficult part of thinking about me running this game at some point is that I hate…
I find it amusing that the most difficult part of thinking about me running this game at some point is that I hate drawing maps.
I am so awful at it.
The good news to follow up previous post.
Originally shared by Stacey Chancellor
The good news to follow up previous post.
Got me some swag today!
This may be a dumb question, but am playing this for the first in a long time.
This may be a dumb question, but am playing this for the first in a long time. Is there any type of stealth move for rogues? I see on defy danger it says I can “get out of the way or by acting fast”.
Food for thought as I read through the book.
Food for thought as I read through the book.
Originally shared by Stacey Chancellor
Here is another interesting thing about Dungeon World. If you are not paying attention, it can use your knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons against you.
Let me explain. Both games have the same base attributes of: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
That is all fine and good and there is a bit of comfort in that, right up until the point where I kept reading the book and found it screwed me a bit. When I talk about Dungeons an Dragons, I am speaking of 2nd ed. The rules would probably apply to the later versions as well, but I don’t like them, so I felt the need to clarify.
My point is that I can make a 2nd ed. character in my sleep. Or at least know how I would assign attributes for every type of character. Even though I have not done it in like 4 years.
This is relevant due to the fact that in 2nd ed, there is not an actual benefit to having a high wisdom score if you are a thief. It was always my dump stat for that particular character. The only mechanical benefit was for clerics or characters that could cast priest spells.
Fast forward t now now, where I made a thief. I mistakenly used assumptions that I created in my mind based on past thieves I made playing D&D. So, now I read the book and find out that wisdom is the stat used to “discern realities”, which is the skill used to pretty much figure shit out…and if you take watch, it may help you to notice when someone is trying to kill you or your party.
So, noticing things would be a pretty good thing for a thief, no? So, I was going to give that 8 to Wis, and would have had a -1 to every Wis related roll.
You sneaky bastards that wrote this game. I don’t know if there was a part of you that did this on purpose. But to be honest, that would be sneaky as hell, and therefore awesome. I really hope that is the case, cuz I wonder how many people this tripped up, other than myself.
Or I could just be that inattentive. That has happened before.
This community is cracking me up.
This community is cracking me up. Does anyone actually play the Dungeon World game, and not one of the 100 different hack options I have seen? This isn’t me trying to rude, I am honestly amused as hell by this.