I was digging around in my file bin and found this diagram I made a while back to explain how Dungeon Starters fit into Dungeon World’s GM prep and I thought I’d share.
(Questions, comments, and curse words are all welcome forms of feedback.)
I was digging around in my file bin and found this diagram I made a while back to explain how Dungeon Starters fit…
I was digging around in my file bin and found this diagram I made a while back to explain how Dungeon Starters fit into Dungeon World’s GM prep and I thought I’d share.
(Questions, comments, and curse words are all welcome forms of feedback.)
I heard it was #paladinweek and thought I’d drop a little paladin AP:
I heard it was #paladinweek and thought I’d drop a little paladin AP:
Lucia’s XP Log:
1 XP for failing to fend off the octapoids on the ship
1 XP for looting the chest (end of session)
1 XP for resolving the bond “Shrike has stood by me in battle and can be trusted completely.” (end of session)
1 XP for refusing to help save an outlaw ensnared by a cephalopod (alignment).
1 XP for failing to hack and slash through some particularly animate floura.
1 xp for falling in the plants, again.
1 xp for failing to defend Shanna from the cephalopods.
1 XP for failing to push through the Octapoids.
1 XP for learning about the octopoid’s great migration. (End of session)
1 XP for defeating the decaturge. (End of session)
-8 xp for Level Up, now level 2 with 2 XP left over. Bloody Aegis
1 XP for leaving Kristoff and Balbas to their fates (alignment).
1 XP for uncovering the plot against the empire.(End of session)
1 XP for overcoming Kristoff and Balbas.(End of session)
1 XP for recovering the prisoner Hobart. (End of session)
1 XP for failing to notice the animals’approach
1 XP for failing to beat a small wolf with a scabbarded sword.
1 XP for getting lost in thought when I should have been scouting.
1 XP for learning about the Entropic & Dis. (End of session)
1 XP for defeating the blink wolves. (End of session)
1 XP for forcing Hobart to kneel to the will of the empire. (End of session)
-9 XP for Level Up, now level 3 with 3 xp left over. Staunch Defender
1st quest: Bring Hobart to justice
2nd quest: Protect my companions in this new realm.
Currently: Questioning a giant about a missing halfling with Dis in the distance.
A couple people have been asking about supplements that I’ve made for Dungeon World over the years so I put them up…
A couple people have been asking about supplements that I’ve made for Dungeon World over the years so I put them up on my site.
Below, you’ll find a link to:
Dungeon Starters – A useful format for prepping the first session of a campaign or just a one-shot.
Microfronts – Another tool for GM prep that focuses on a single scene, like a mix of encounters and Side Treks.
Ailments & Maladies – A supplement for dealing with disease in Dungeon World.
#dungeonstarters #microfronts
So, about a year ago I came up with this thing for spelljammers in DW.
So, about a year ago I came up with this thing for spelljammers in DW. It’s a little bit playbook, a little bit steading. Anyhow, it was requested that I share it. See below:
Jammer: __________
Crew’s Alignment:
Good: When another planet or jammer’s problem is solved, the jammer marks XP.
Neutral: When a new planet is reached and goods are exchanged, the jammer marks XP.
Evil: When a jammer or planet is plundered, the jammer marks XP.
Illithid: The jammer has tenticals which can snare other vessels
Thrikreen: The jammer has mandibles that can sever parts of other ships
Dwarven: The jammer is entirely encased in an asteroid
Elfish: The jammer’s complex sails and rigging make it exceedingly maneuverable
Scro: The jammer is cobbled together from parts and can accept parts from other ships
Human: The jammer is built on the pack of a being of enormous proportions, describe it
Tinker Gnomes: The jammer has parts that can transform mechanically
Look (pick on from each):
Built for speed, build for capacity, or built for defense.
Decorative trappings, utilitarian trappings, or no trappings.
Abundant crew, normal crew, or skeleton crew
Mechanical, magical, or biological
Cargo (pick one from each):
Full rations or full envelope
Passengers or cargo
Arms or armor
Charter or letter of marque
Envelope: _____ (max 2)
XP: ___
Level: ____
Fill in the name of a soul on this jammer in at least one space.
________ is an officer on the jammer.
________ knows the secret places where things are stored
________ has the captain’s ear
________ is shunned by the crew
Jammer Moves
When a jammer undertakes a perilous journey, roll+envelope expended. On a 10+, the jammer avoids hardship in the wild space and reaches its destination. On a 7-9, it reaches its destination but the GM chooses one:
-The jammer runs out of rations
-The jammer runs out of envelope
-The jammer is in need of repair (take -1 forward until it is fixed)
-The jammer has been followed to its destination
When a jammer leaves a planet with a suitable atmosphere, it refills its envelope to max.
End of Session
When you reach the end of a session, check to see if one of the jammer’s bonds has played a key
role in the fiction or been resolved (completely explored, no longer relevant, or otherwise). Ask the
player of the character that it has the bond with if they agree. If they do, the jammer marks XP and
writes a new bond with whomever the players and GM wish.
Once bonds have been updated, answer these three questions as a group:
• Did we learn something new and important about a planet or jammer?
• Did we encounter a notable monster or enemy?
• Did we bring a memorable treasure aboard the jammer?
For each “yes” answer, the jammer marks XP.
Level Up
The jammer gains a level by expending 5+LVL XP. When it does, it gains an advanced move and
increases its max envelope by 1.
Advanced Moves:
When you take this move, each of you are promoted to being a ranking ship’s officer. The party now controls where the jammer goes and what the jammer does.
The jammer gains a retinue of marines adept at executing and repelling boarding actions.
Research Vessel
Each time the jammer gains a level, it also gains an scholar, list their expertise.
Reinforced Hold
The jammer gains an extra hold, specially suited to contain something. Describe what it was build to contain.
Flow Control
Each time the jammer gains a level, it can travel to a new crystal sphere.
Nooks & Crannies
Jammers are enormous and ancient things, there are always forgotten, unexplored areas aboard.
Other vessels may enter the jammer’s command.
I had always heard the bit about Dungeon World salting the earth of all that was but I never believed it…
I had always heard the bit about Dungeon World salting the earth of all that was but I never believed it…