Barsaive is populated by creatures and monsters little different than any other Dungeon World.

Barsaive is populated by creatures and monsters little different than any other Dungeon World.

Barsaive is populated by creatures and monsters little different than any other Dungeon World. Any creature in the Earthdawn books can be easily converted using DW’s monster maker, and many of the existing DW monsters are suitable as-is.

One exception is horrors.

A comment on my last post on hacking Earthdawn into Dungeon World suggested mapping elements of the fiction directly…

A comment on my last post on hacking Earthdawn into Dungeon World suggested mapping elements of the fiction directly…

A comment on my last post on hacking Earthdawn into Dungeon World suggested mapping elements of the fiction directly to DW. That got me thinking about the difference between how characters interact with civilian communities in Earthdawn and D&D.

This is a set of moves to handle “going to town” with a bit more depth.

One change I made here is that generally a 7-9 result is a complete success, with 10+ getting a bonus on top. That’s to mark a thematic difference, being in town is safer.

I’m thinking about writing a hack to play Earthdawn using Dungeon World.

I’m thinking about writing a hack to play Earthdawn using Dungeon World.

I’m thinking about writing a hack to play Earthdawn using Dungeon World. Obviously most of the work comes in writing up the play-discipline-books. However, Earthdawn is different enough that there’s some groundwork that has to be laid first.

In the link, I’ve sketched out races, karma, advancement, recovery, and wounds. I’d love feedback on how workable they are.

Also, I feel like ED’s thread mechanics and DW’s bonds have a lot in common (at a deep fundamental level), and if you have ideas on how to bring the two together, that would be great.