Hey, long time silent follower here. Where will the group be relocated after G+ ceases to exist?

Hey, long time silent follower here. Where will the group be relocated after G+ ceases to exist?

Hey, long time silent follower here. Where will the group be relocated after G+ ceases to exist?

I’m playtesting the new Travel & Exploration move and Keep Company in a Westmarches-style established setting and…

I’m playtesting the new Travel & Exploration move and Keep Company in a Westmarches-style established setting and…

I’m playtesting the new Travel & Exploration move and Keep Company in a Westmarches-style established setting and could use a 4th player. Follow the link for more information and to sign up for session 2 and 3.


I recently brought a FotF 2e(ish) game I was running to an end and one of my players wrote an in character epilogue…

I recently brought a FotF 2e(ish) game I was running to an end and one of my players wrote an in character epilogue…

I recently brought a FotF 2e(ish) game I was running to an end and one of my players wrote an in character epilogue for his character: Jarnio, a simple warrior of resolute faith in his misspell riddled Holey Bibble. Jarnio managed to survive two campaigns (the first one was so short I allowed him to be ported over to the second one) despite whiffing most of his attacks and the bumbling of his fellow adventurers. He started as a human fighter, but over the course of the campaign mutated into a rabbit-dragon man with a tongue for a hand wearing a cursed cloak (that he never bothered to even try to remove) that occasionally made him pollute things, quite often himself.

At the end of the campaign he managed to polymorph himself back into human form using a variant of the Dungeon World Druid’s Shapeshifter move gained from eating a magic rock. I especially enjoy his descriptions for his fellow party members



Hello again! Back with a progress update. (Including improved format, content, and a little more editing)

Hello again! Back with a progress update. (Including improved format, content, and a little more editing)

Hello again! Back with a progress update. (Including improved format, content, and a little more editing)


Below is a series of three dungeon starters designed to be played in conjunction with Funnel World, by Jason Lutes. This content isn’t QUITE the final version (I’d like to do another edit and add some finalized art) but I wanted to share it here while I still have the chance.


A variety of custom moves to improve your game

Alternate rules for villager creation

Three adventures meant to inspire play and test your villagers resolve

A variety of random tables to use how you will.





Heya! Below is a series of three dungeon starters designed to be played in conjunction with Funnel World, by Jason Lutes. This content isn’t QUITE the final version (I’d like to do another edit and add some finalized art) but I wanted to share it here while I still have the chance.


A variety of custom moves to improve your game

Alternate rules for villager creation

Three adventures meant to inspire play and test your villagers resolve

A variety of random tables to use how you will.



Here we go.

Here we go.

Here we go.

G+ death countdown has started.

You probably received the mail today as I did.

And that pesky yellow bar at the top of your screen that reminds you that days are counted.

I’ll miss the great discussions we had.

I’ll miss +Jeremy Strandberg on-point and deeply-detailed answers.

I’ll miss +Mark Tygart adventure primers.

I’ll miss all the awesome content all of you come up with.

I miss you guys already.

It’s a very sad moment because I know we’ll all scatter to the winds.

I wish we had come up with a common consensus on where we’ll meet again, but let’s face it : there’s no real good alternative to G+.

Anyway, I’d like to thank you all for the wonderful community we built together!

I really hope we’ll cross path on whatever place you’ll settle.

If you ever find yourself wandering into the province of MeWe, should you spot a lonely campfire in the middle of Nowhereland, come by, I’ll be happy to share a flagon of mead!

Dungeon World – Adventures on Dungeon Planet

Dungeon World – Adventures on Dungeon Planet

Dungeon World – Adventures on Dungeon Planet


I have four sessions of Adventures on Dungeon Planet on the calendar for Sunday afternoons in March. If you’re not familiar with the game, it’s Johnstone Metzger’s science-fantasy supplement for Dungeon World. This is a continuation of the games I’m running in February, but they’re a separate entity, so you don’t need to have played in any of those to play in the March games.

Games will run from 3:00 – 6:30 Central Time.

The setting is home-brew science fantasy set in an environment inspired by the deep south of America.

Session 1: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LX_SBuJaWMIdOfiATdg

Session 2: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LX_SWHypeZY0LgoDEto

Session 3: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LX_SesrudwcmDx8t37V

Session 4: https://gauntlet-hangouts.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LX_So-wcMKD78fn5Lrc