Here’s a Christmas gift for the Tavern – I added a Perilous Wilds Wilderness Discovery quick generator to the main…

Here’s a Christmas gift for the Tavern – I added a Perilous Wilds Wilderness Discovery quick generator to the main…

Here’s a Christmas gift for the Tavern – I added a Perilous Wilds Wilderness Discovery quick generator to the main landing page on! I’m gearing up for my latest campaign and need these generators at my fingertips, so Wilderness Danger, and Dungeon Discovery/Dangers aren’t far behind!

So I’ve been thinking a bit about custom moves for some good, light PvP scenarios.

So I’ve been thinking a bit about custom moves for some good, light PvP scenarios.

So I’ve been thinking a bit about custom moves for some good, light PvP scenarios. This came up because two PCs got into an argument that it was clear neither was going to budge on; they did a great job of roleplaying it out but it was clear they were at an impasse so I decided to incentivize making things come to some sort of a dramatic conclusion. With that in mind, I came up with a custom move on the spot based on some of the mechanics in Apocalypse World and Monster of the Week, and today I wrote it up and revised it a little bit. I’d love for your feedback, particularly on whether a.) you even think PvP mechanics should be a thing, and b.) whether the incentives being offered are sufficient and make sense. So far we haven’t had any fist fights break out so I’m hoping this is all we really need, but any ideas for handling PvP stuff that gets physical would also be of interest to me. How do y’all handle this stuff if and when it comes up in your games?

The mechanics for negotiating (or manipulating, I suppose) NPCs haven’t changed so I’m only including the new PC rules:

Negotiate or Manipulate

When you want something from someone that they don’t want to give up, make your case and roll…

…+STR to intimidate them

… +CHA to convince or charm them

For PCs: on a 10+, both; on a 7-9, choose 1:

– If they do it, they mark XP and take +1 forward

– If they refuse, they suffer 1 point of ability score damage to an ability of your choosing, as long as it makes sense

On a 6-, mark the ability used, and they decide how badly you offended them and choose 1:

– If they refuse to do it, they mark XP

– They’ll do it, but they’re going to hold it against you; erase any bonds you have with the PC

If you were a backer of the “Ancient Worlds: Atisi” crowdfunding campaing, check your email.

If you were a backer of the “Ancient Worlds: Atisi” crowdfunding campaing, check your email.

If you were a backer of the “Ancient Worlds: Atisi” crowdfunding campaing, check your email.

If you weren’t, check DriveThruRPG instead — — as “Ancient Worlds: Atisi”, a sword & sorcery campaign setting for Dungeon World inspired by Egyptian Mythology is now available.

Grom’s Undoing for Dungeon World!

Grom’s Undoing for Dungeon World!

Grom’s Undoing for Dungeon World!

Conversion Notes for Dungeon World by Mark Tygart

Of The Ruination of Tenamen (a classic one page dungeon by Simon Bull)

Unemployed and bored and I made a little zine of random tables for a psychedelic desert setting.

Unemployed and bored and I made a little zine of random tables for a psychedelic desert setting.

Unemployed and bored and I made a little zine of random tables for a psychedelic desert setting. Do what thou wilt with it.

Looking through my Google Drive and found something I forgot about.

Looking through my Google Drive and found something I forgot about.

Looking through my Google Drive and found something I forgot about.

Here’s an adventure primer I created based on the Game of Thrones “Red Wedding”.

Everyone, I think, always wants to up their game (literally), but I was wondering if there was a common thread on…

Everyone, I think, always wants to up their game (literally), but I was wondering if there was a common thread on…

Everyone, I think, always wants to up their game (literally), but I was wondering if there was a common thread on what everyone may be trying to improve/find out more of.

As promised, here’s the marketplace.

As promised, here’s the marketplace.

As promised, here’s the marketplace. I ended up putting our house ruled loads in parentheses after the RAW loads in case you want to use them. The changes aren’t terribly dramatic, I don’t think. So far it all seems to be working for us. The only other change is that I’ve added in Halfling Pipeleaf, since that was a fave from DW. Players can use it to add +1 to Negotiate or Keep Company by expending 2 uses. I think those are the only changes.

Note that there’s a blank page left in just so I could easily print it out in booklet form. Feel free to, y’know, do whatever you want with that.