Hello beautiful people!
I’m getting all excited for v0.3 release. Hope everything is working the way you planed. It’s a massive project.
Hello beautiful people!
Hello beautiful people!
I’m getting all excited for v0.3 release. Hope everything is working the way you planed. It’s a massive project.
I’m new to Worlds of Adventure, but absolutely loving what I see. Thanks so much for doing this beautiful thing.
I’m new to Worlds of Adventure, but absolutely loving what I see. Thanks so much for doing this beautiful thing.
The elegant new bonds are one of my favorite things in any system. I wonder if there’s any reason that PCs shouldn’t be able to forge bonds with locations, factions, or maybe even causes?
Barbarian Herculean Appetite.
Barbarian Herculean Appetite. Since v0.3 will use advantages, I guess this move will probably see very little change apart from a slight rewrite yes? Basically it already uses the advantage rule concept.
Hello! Is there a Discord channel? If so can I get an invite please?
Hello! Is there a Discord channel? If so can I get an invite please?
Hi guys, I’m Giuseppe, the admin of EPICentrum.it, a site dedicated to Dungeon World in italian language.
Hi guys, I’m Giuseppe, the admin of EPICentrum.it, a site dedicated to Dungeon World in italian language. I like your hack and I would translate and add it in my site to allow italian friends to play with your rules. I’ll respect the CC Attribution in all parts.
Compliments for your project!
Ok last one for today; what about dropping rolling for damage?
Ok last one for today; what about dropping rolling for damage?
We’ve already got a range of dice outcomes; 6-, 7-9, 10-11 and 12+
Would out be worth just using those results for damage outcomes?
6- 7-9 10-11 12+
E.g. a sword does 0 / 4 / 6 / 12
But a Great Axe is 0 / 8 / 10 / 18
I noticed a lot of different ways to add modifiers in the Playbooks and basic moves.
Would it be total heresy if:
A) the DM can say that a roll can be made at Disadvantage or Advantage based on fictional positioning
B) a lot of the +1forward bonuses (for playbook moves and Discern Realities) were to make a roll Easier (so raising it from Disadvantage to normal, or normal to Advantage)
Basically dropping the many different modifiers for one straightforward one?
I’ve not looked deeply into the maths on this…
I don’t know if it’s cool to post feedback and ideas here…
I don’t know if it’s cool to post feedback and ideas here…
Something I always felt was missing from the DW Playbooks were MC hooks. Naming NPCs and interests which would help the MC come up with things to tie the character to the setting.
Do people reckon this might be helpful in WoA?
Hello. This looks promising. Any ETA on v0.3?
Hello. This looks promising. Any ETA on v0.3?
BIG STICKS AND LITTLE STICKS! Gauntlet ASPACs run a pickup Worlds of Adventure playtest. Great gig, awesome people, and some solid feedback at the end.