Hey Group, for whatever reason, my google-fu is failing big times at finding The Slave-Pits of Drazhu.

Hey Group, for whatever reason, my google-fu is failing big times at finding The Slave-Pits of Drazhu.

Hey Group, for whatever reason, my google-fu is failing big times at finding The Slave-Pits of Drazhu. Could you please lend me a hand ie a copy, Thx!

Hey, long time silent follower here. Where will the group be relocated after G+ ceases to exist?

Hey, long time silent follower here. Where will the group be relocated after G+ ceases to exist?

Hey, long time silent follower here. Where will the group be relocated after G+ ceases to exist?

Here we go.

Here we go.

Here we go.

G+ death countdown has started.

You probably received the mail today as I did.

And that pesky yellow bar at the top of your screen that reminds you that days are counted.

I’ll miss the great discussions we had.

I’ll miss +Jeremy Strandberg on-point and deeply-detailed answers.

I’ll miss +Mark Tygart adventure primers.

I’ll miss all the awesome content all of you come up with.

I miss you guys already.

It’s a very sad moment because I know we’ll all scatter to the winds.

I wish we had come up with a common consensus on where we’ll meet again, but let’s face it : there’s no real good alternative to G+.

Anyway, I’d like to thank you all for the wonderful community we built together!

I really hope we’ll cross path on whatever place you’ll settle.

If you ever find yourself wandering into the province of MeWe, should you spot a lonely campfire in the middle of Nowhereland, come by, I’ll be happy to share a flagon of mead!

From the archives! (before the heat death of the platform)

From the archives! (before the heat death of the platform)

From the archives! (before the heat death of the platform)

Deal Damage is a Crap GM Move

I posted this essay on the G+ back in June of 2017. I still feel this way, and in Stonetop and Homebrew world, have replaced the GM move “Deal damage” with “Hurt them.” It’s not much of a difference, but I find that it better matches how I play.

Has anyone successfully exported the Dungeon World Tavern stream?

Has anyone successfully exported the Dungeon World Tavern stream?

Has anyone successfully exported the Dungeon World Tavern stream?

I tried yesterday using Google+ Exporter, but it only captured ~1200 messages… and nothing between 2013 and 2018. And now the G+ Exporter is no longer working, like, at all, because Google inserted a captcha check for mass downloads.

If you’ve successfully exported the full contents of the Tavern, please let me know. I’d like to be involved in putting an archive in place.

Adam Koebel Sage LaTorra

So I’m not sure if this has been broached but what is this community migrating anywhere when G+ goes away

So I’m not sure if this has been broached but what is this community migrating anywhere when G+ goes away

So I’m not sure if this has been broached but what is this community migrating anywhere when G+ goes away

One Shot World is a hack of Dungeon World that removes most of the long-form mechanics and replaces them with simple…

One Shot World is a hack of Dungeon World that removes most of the long-form mechanics and replaces them with simple…

One Shot World is a hack of Dungeon World that removes most of the long-form mechanics and replaces them with simple rules designed to facilitate one-shots and short campaigns.

I have recently worked very hard with Greg Soper (of Minimal Playbooks Plus fame) to completely remake the original playbooks – they are now cleaner, easier to read, and far, far prettier. We’ve also replaced or rewritten the moves and many of the basic rules.

Take a look here:


Feedback and criticism welcome.

For reference, here is the original hack: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/242339

When I finish redoing the GM Booklet I’ll publish it on OBS.
