This is the seed of an idea I have for a GM-less Dungeon World, just a way to create complications by using 2d20…
This is the seed of an idea I have for a GM-less Dungeon World, just a way to create complications by using 2d20 instead of a GM’s arbitration.
When you roll for a move, on a 10+, you do it, no problem. On a 7-9, you still succeed, but roll twice on the following table and choose one or the other to apply to your move. On a 6-, your action fails, and roll twice on the following table and choose one or the other to apply to your move. Alternatively, you may choose to have your action succeed, but roll twice on the following table and apply both.
1: Failure – You don’t achieve what you intended.
2: Forfeit – Something slips by your attention, or you lose track of something you should have been paying attention to.
3: Delay – It takes up a lot more time to accomplish your goal than you intended.
4-5: Expense – You use up a notable amount of your resources.
6: Breakage – Some item that you value is broken in the midst of your action.
7: Peril – You create a new dangerous situation for yourself, or put yourself or an ally into the path of an existing one.
8: Inaccuracy – You damage something you didn’t intend to.
9: Snared – You are tangled up in something, and you need help to get free.
10: Enmity – You antagonize someone or something present, creating new hazards or hostiles.
11-12: Relocation – You end up somewhere you didn’t intend to be, which may cause new problems.
13-15: Injury – You are damaged in body, spirit, or reputation.
16-17: Affliction – You are afflicted by some force that will continue to harm or burden you until treated. Maybe poison, maybe an enchantment.
18: Burden – You must shoulder some additional burden or obligation now.
19: Weariness – You are left exhausted, either physically or psychologically. You may be hungry, afraid, or weakened.
20: Disaster – You don’t achieve what you intended, and roll again.