Looking for some help with a move that developes short adventures the party would be interested in.

Looking for some help with a move that developes short adventures the party would be interested in.

Looking for some help with a move that developes short adventures the party would be interested in. The taget audience is a rotating cast of characters that are members of a guild or clan that take on jobs. Any and all suggestions welcome


Job Board

When you search the job board, the GM will offer you a job from a concerned people regarding a Front, or ask you the following questions in regards to the job offer that has caught your eye:

1)  What is the title? Ex. “Lost Princes”, “Escaped Bewilder Beast”

2)  Who or what is to blame?

3)  What is the current status and location?

4)  What is the desired outcome?

5)  Who organized the job request and how can they be contacted?

The GM will discribe the reward after hearing the answers.

Lizard question!

Lizard question!

Lizard question!

I recently started playing a lizardman (a ranger) in a DW campaign, but I have no racial trait. I have a couple ideas, and I’d love either feedback on them or other ideas.

My first is:

You are at home in the swampland. When you lead your party through swamp-like terrain, you cannot be tracked except by magical means.

And the second:

Tasting the air, you can track by scent. When you Hunt and Track quarry that you have been near enough to have picked up their scent, or whose scent you have found on an object, on a 10+, you choose 2. On a 7-9, you still choose 1.


This is the seed of an idea I have for a GM-less Dungeon World, just a way to create complications by using 2d20…

This is the seed of an idea I have for a GM-less Dungeon World, just a way to create complications by using 2d20…

This is the seed of an idea I have for a GM-less Dungeon World, just a way to create complications by using 2d20 instead of a GM’s arbitration.

When you roll for a move, on a 10+, you do it, no problem. On a 7-9, you still succeed, but roll twice on the following table and choose one or the other to apply to your move. On a 6-, your action fails, and roll twice on the following table and choose one or the other to apply to your move. Alternatively, you may choose to have your action succeed, but roll twice on the following table and apply both.

1: Failure – You don’t achieve what you intended.

2: Forfeit – Something slips by your attention, or you lose track of something you should have been paying attention to.

3: Delay – It takes up a lot more time to accomplish your goal than you intended.

4-5: Expense – You use up a notable amount of your resources.

6: Breakage – Some item that you value is broken in the midst of your action.

7: Peril – You create a new dangerous situation for yourself, or put yourself or an ally into the path of an existing one.

8: Inaccuracy – You damage something you didn’t intend to.

9: Snared – You are tangled up in something, and you need help to get free.

10: Enmity – You antagonize someone or something present, creating new hazards or hostiles.

11-12: Relocation – You end up somewhere you didn’t intend to be, which may cause new problems.

13-15: Injury – You are damaged in body, spirit, or reputation.

16-17: Affliction – You are afflicted by some force that will continue to harm or burden you until treated. Maybe poison, maybe an enchantment.

18: Burden – You must shoulder some additional burden or obligation now.

19: Weariness – You are left exhausted, either physically or psychologically. You may be hungry, afraid, or weakened.

20: Disaster – You don’t achieve what you intended, and roll again.

So, while waiting for the official Rat Queens *World game, I’ve volunteered to run a RQ-inspired game.

So, while waiting for the official Rat Queens *World game, I’ve volunteered to run a RQ-inspired game.

So, while waiting for the official Rat Queens *World game, I’ve volunteered to run a RQ-inspired game. I feel like this move is on the right track, but I’m not sure I have it right – I’d appreciate any advice or tweak suggestions you wise folk might have. (I’ve never seen Roll -Stat in DW. Does it even make sense?)

When you use sex as leverage to Parley, roll -Bond. On a 10+, choose 2, On a 7-9, choose 1.

– You get what you asked for.

– There are no hard feelings.

– You don’t write a new Bond with your sex partner.

I’m a first-time GM and just completed the first session of our campaign.  We established that the 2 PCs (Ranger and…

I’m a first-time GM and just completed the first session of our campaign.  We established that the 2 PCs (Ranger and…

I’m a first-time GM and just completed the first session of our campaign.  We established that the 2 PCs (Ranger and Druid) are demon hunters, so I’m working on figuring out the Fronts and Custom Moves I might want to use in the campaign.  Here is one idea I’d like to float by people to get feedback.

When you call on nature to close a demonic portal, roll plus WIS

– On a 10+, the portal closes without complication

– On a 7-9, choose one

# Something makes it through the portal before it closes

# The portal closes, but draws the attention of greater demonic forces

I’m thinking to have the ‘attention’ and miss cases on this move to be one of the major drivers of some demon-related Front stuff I’m working on.  Am I doing this right?

Looking for spell ideas for ‘Witch Hunter’ class (DEX+INT class).

Looking for spell ideas for ‘Witch Hunter’ class (DEX+INT class).

Looking for spell ideas for ‘Witch Hunter’ class (DEX+INT class). So I’ve been working on a character class for a little bit now. I got a nice collection of moves for it, that provide a nice variety of builds such as “The Purifying Inquisitor” and “Becoming the Evil to destroy the Evil.” Early on I had made the decision to move away from just killing magic users, because I felt it was to limiting for a whole class. Sure if there were magics at work, you were the man. But once all the magics were dead though, you were practically useless.

So I branched it out to also include fighting demons, supernatural, ect. But you pick a specialization (You still hunt witches, but you’re into hunting unnatural monsters more). As such I have had lots of fun making spells that help a player role play, this master hunter, who always has to right tool to bring down his prey. But some of the spells I don’t like and feel like replacing since they just aren’t very interesting compared to the other choices.

This is a full class, not a compendium, meaning it has to be able to play with them, without stepping on their toes.

In my Dungeon World Campaign, the characters keep finding themselves partially or completely engulfed in the maw of…

In my Dungeon World Campaign, the characters keep finding themselves partially or completely engulfed in the maw of…

In my Dungeon World Campaign, the characters keep finding themselves partially or completely engulfed in the maw of some beastie. As a way to move the story along and not have them just die (not as interesting a choice), I have come up with the following custom move (I will try it out tonight).

I gained inspiration from the Perilous Wilds (weather moves) as well as https://plus.google.com/communities/100084733231320276299/s/aid%20or%20interfere%20flags

I had originally debated about using a “hold” system or a choose 3 (10+), 1 (7-9), but I had an issue coming up with compelling choices that were all equally desirable. The 10+ solution here is basically defy danger e.g., you get what you want.

Any and all comments are welcome.

Without further ado…

• In the belly of the beast:

○ When you find yourself partially or completely engulfed in a monster, describe what you do. Do you…

○ Try to rip/tear/fight your way out? Roll+STR

○ Try to get back out the way you got in? Roll+DEX

○ Hunker down and brace yourself for what is coming next? Roll+CON

○ Come up with an elaborate plan? Say it now. Roll+INT

○ Use your knowledge of biology/the creature to find a solution? Roll+WIS

○ Impress/Beguile/Reason with the beast? Roll (not always possible) +CHA

• 10+

○ You do what you set out to.

• 7-9

○ You do what you set out to, but the GM will give you a choice between 2 of the following: Danger, Retribution, or Cost. You choose.

• 6 –

○ Mark XP

I’m trying to write a move about communing/repairing a planar rift and I’d like the move to potentially have a…

I’m trying to write a move about communing/repairing a planar rift and I’d like the move to potentially have a…

I’m trying to write a move about communing/repairing a planar rift and I’d like the move to potentially have a permanent or lasting effect on the character’s mental state. However, I can’t figure out a way to to that in a interesting way that doesn’t tell the player “this is who your character is now.” Anybody have any experience with changing something about a PC? Should it be a tag on their character, maybe?