Picking a weapon for a fighter. I’m still working on my character generator:

Picking a weapon for a fighter. I’m still working on my character generator:

Picking a weapon for a fighter. I’m still working on my character generator:


The rules for Freebooters on the Frontier have clear rules for picking a weapon for thieves, clerics and magic-users. But what about fighters? If you were to write a program, how would you determine the weapon to pick for your fighter? Right now, I’m just picking a random weapon from the list, irrespective of abilities. What do the players playing fighters do at your table? Pick d10 weapons? Pick wt 3 weapons if their strength is 13 or higher? Pick a melee weapon if their strength >= their dexterity? Looking for suggestions to make this better.

Here’s how to look at just fighters:


There are many things that still don’t work regarding equipment. Magic-users aren’t implemented. Buying equipment using extra silver is not implemented. (Any suggestions?)

Another thing that’s not working is picking two abilities to swap. Or turning this question around: what classes do you pick based on the abilities your rolled without swapping: always a fighter if str or con is your best ability, always a thief if dex is your best ability, always a cleric if cha or wis is your best ability; and if int is your best ability, 50% magic-user, 50% thief?


I posed this question over at the Tavern, but I should have asked it here.

I posed this question over at the Tavern, but I should have asked it here.

I posed this question over at the Tavern, but I should have asked it here.


I have a question concerning ‘Freebooters of the Frontier’ . In the rules it talks about ‘Duration’ as a tag for how long things last, for example a Torch has a duration of 3, this ‘duration’ is classified as being short (1 being brief and 5 long lasting). But how exactly do you specify the length of this ‘duration’? Does the Judge simply announce “Oh by the way your torch gutters and goes out plunging you into complete blackness”?

I continued to tweak the Freebooters CLERIC this weekend by making the TEST OF FAITH table a 2d6 roll, where the…

I continued to tweak the Freebooters CLERIC this weekend by making the TEST OF FAITH table a 2d6 roll, where the…

I continued to tweak the Freebooters CLERIC this weekend by making the TEST OF FAITH table a 2d6 roll, where the extremely bad and good results are segregated at the ends. This was prompted by the fact that without such a tweak, there was a 2% chance that a player cleric might be stripped of all cleric powers on every attempt to bless/curse!

== TEST OF FAITH =======

2 You have fallen from grace. Lose all Cleric moves until you prove yourself. Ask the Judge what that means.

3 You are marked by the test: permanently burn 1 ability point of the Judge’s choice.

4 Your deity singles out one of the unfaithful (ask the Judge who).

Take -1 ongoing until you convert or perform last rites over that individual.

5 You are unworthy: burn 1d4 Wisdom/Charisma.

6 Until you convert a new follower, you may hold no more than 1 favor.

7 Reduce favor to 0, and take -1 ongoing to Pray until you make a Sacrifice.

8 You are unable to heal HP or ability points until you make a Sacrifice.

9 You take -1 ongoing to Pray until you satisfy your Tenet.

10 You suffer a minor temporary affliction related to your deity’s domain.

11 You must atone right now, in a way that draws unwanted attention.

12 Your deity is merciful–treat the result of the move that triggered this roll as a 7-9.

Slowly working on this random Freebooters generator…

Slowly working on this random Freebooters generator…

Slowly working on this random Freebooters generator…

It should now roll 3d6 in order, roll 1d12 for heritage and alignment, pick suitable attributes to increase, roll hp, determine HD type. This uses the front page of the Freeboter sheets by Maezar…  It’s still a bit in flux, but I’m hoping to hear back from Maezar and see whether this is all OK, in terms of license to use the character sheet. Currently this is just a proof of concept…


I keep falling back on being a bloodthirsty bastard of a Judge.

I keep falling back on being a bloodthirsty bastard of a Judge.

I keep falling back on being a bloodthirsty bastard of a Judge. I still feel like I am being a fan of the characters: I want them to succeed!

But I also want them to suffer quite a bit to get there. It’s my favourite part of being a DM, putting tough challenges all up in their grills.

After two main sessions with 6 players at the table (plus me), two characters have made the Bite the Dust move (still survived with a 7-9 result!). Another was poisoned by a mudsnake, losing literally all of his hair and hallucinating all throughout camp. Does this seem normal in Freebooters, or am I being to tough on them? They’re still getting lots of shinies!

The promised Concise Freebooters Moves Sheets are now online with my playbooks at…

The promised Concise Freebooters Moves Sheets are now online with my playbooks at…

The promised Concise Freebooters Moves Sheets are now online with my playbooks at http://www.mysticworks.com/freebooters


Freebooters obviously uses some of the material from dungeon world and the perilous wilds.

Freebooters obviously uses some of the material from dungeon world and the perilous wilds.

Freebooters obviously uses some of the material from dungeon world and the perilous wilds. Does this include some moves? I’ve noticed that there isn’t any parley equivalent in the game, besides negotiate. I feel as though they fulfill different roles. 

The Tomb of N’Gral.

The Tomb of N’Gral.

The Tomb of N’Gral. Valovicia the Mage hired two brothers, Radan and Tredan to assist her in finding magical reagents deep within these forgotten halls. This was our “Prequel” locale, where they narrowly avoided death at a cost of their own luck. Perhaps they will bring the full party back to deal with that pesky rat-ogre, and delve deeper to find new treasures!.