When you crack the egg of a Haast’s Eagle and chug the contents, roll +CON.  On a 10+ take 2, on a 7-9 take 1.

When you crack the egg of a Haast’s Eagle and chug the contents, roll +CON.  On a 10+ take 2, on a 7-9 take 1.

When you crack the egg of a Haast’s Eagle and chug the contents, roll +CON.  On a 10+ take 2, on a 7-9 take 1.

* Your sweat does not begin to reek of child murder to the senses of ever Haast Eagle within miles.

* For the next week your vision gains a level of detail that would put your average hawk’s to shame.

* Your attacks become vicious and primal.  For the next week when you roll +12 on a Hack and Slash (or attack a helpless target) your class damage is treated as being two die value higher. (D8 becomes D12, D10 becomes D20. D12 becomes B[2D20], etc)

Presented for your consideration / use :

Presented for your consideration / use :

Presented for your consideration / use :

Paladins bring Justice and Mercy to the downtrodden.  What happens in a country where ‘Justice’ means persecution?  Where commissions to power are only handed to the tyrannical?

The Rebel – a heavily modified version of the Paladin.



I was mulling over how you’d do a Lovecraftian type hack of Dungeon World.  You know, “Dagon World” or some such. …

I was mulling over how you’d do a Lovecraftian type hack of Dungeon World.  You know, “Dagon World” or some such. …

I was mulling over how you’d do a Lovecraftian type hack of Dungeon World.  You know, “Dagon World” or some such.  More powerful (and agency-empowered) Investigators then are normally seen in a Lovecraftian RPG, set in high fantasy… basically Dungeon World with sanity mechanics.

But why mess with a system that already works?

Here’s a CC about gazing into the abyss.  It’s optional, but provides powerful tools if embraced by the player.  Individual horrors should have individual mechanics, and that’s already covered under the core Dungeon World book.  You could run a campaign with the Thing In The Well in Dungeon World as it is, for example, you’d just have to write up some custom moves beforehand.

/Ramble.  Here’s the link.



Magic Item Almost-Monday

Magic Item Almost-Monday

Magic Item Almost-Monday

Persephone’s Cracked Hand-mirror

Once a beautiful gift from a Lord Kinnith, Servitor of one of The Old Lich Kings, to his beloved Persephone, kidnapped from her parent’s home and locked within the walls of his capital city’s great cemetery. The mirror allowed her to converse with the bodies interned therein to alleviate the boredom of being trapped away from the world.  It cracked the day she died.  The mirror itself is simply wrought, made of gold with a oblong viewing surface the size of a genteel lady’s hand.  A single crack runs from the upper left portion to the right side of the mirror near the middle of the viewing surface.

As soon as a corpse is seen within the mirror the one who holds it becomes intuitively aware of the mirror’s magic power.

When a corpse is viewed in the mirror by the person holding it :

That person may ask a single question of the spirit which used to reside in the corpse.  It will answer the question truthfully to the extent of the knowledge it had in life.  The question and answer are telepathic and transcend language. 

The spirit will then ask a single question to the mirror bearer.  They must answer truthfully and without subterfuge, like the spirit did, but must answer aloud in at least a conversational tone.  All those who hear the answer will understand what has been said, regardless of their inability to hear the question or any language barriers.  If the answer is false, incomplete, or veers from the objective truth (at least as far as the bearer knows it) the reflective surface will shatter into a thousand shards.  Although the hand mirror is inherently valuable, being made of gold, the magic within the mirror will be lost forever.

The dead see almost all things, and the spirits have a way of always asking the wrong question, even if doing so requires specific knowledge the creature could not possibly have had in life.

The Flow Monk :

The Flow Monk :

The Flow Monk :


Peter Johansen provided a link to an EXCELLENT monk class


The Flow Monk is an attempt to build a fatalistic prophet who is an moderately-fair hand-to-hand combatant.  A Druid-Monk as it were, empowered by and servant of Fate (but also not someone you’d want to start a bar fight with)

It is (hopefully) pretty straightfoward (easy to play) with a core move that allows for propelling the story forward.


The Blood of the Three Eyed Lich

The Blood of the Three Eyed Lich

The Blood of the Three Eyed Lich

Ritualistically brewed by the blind murder monks of the underground cult of the Undead Crusader, ‘The Blood of the Three Eyed Lich’ is a hypodermically injected poison.  It seems somewhat aware, in that it will only affect those who willingly receive it.

When you poison yourself with The Blood roll + CON and pass out.  On a 10+ you can carry on like nothing happened after waking up.  On a 7-9 take the SICK debility or, if you already have it, lose one point of CON forever.  On a 6 or less The Blood still has its effects, but you are both sickened and suffer the permanent loss of one point of CON.

At midnight of the next full moon you return to the point in time and space where you awoke after the injection.  If you died in the meantime you still wake up in the condition you were after the injection. 

Every time you go back, Roll + (WIS or INT or CHA).  On a 10+ you may take +1 as if spending preparation (see BOLSTER Special Move) whenever you are in a situation you’ve seen play out before.  On a 7-9 you receive the benefits of the 10+ roll but take a permanent loss of one point in the rolled stat. 

On a miss your mind is unable to wrap around what is happening to you – lose one point in the rolled stat and take -1 ongoing until the next full moon.

To cure yourself of the poison you must slit an artery and, as your poisoned blood spills out, drink all of the blood from a still living creature of your race.  The poison makes this possible, but it does not make it pleasant or prevent the corresponding emotional scarring.

I was thinking about what a Dwarven Druid might look like.

I was thinking about what a Dwarven Druid might look like.

I was thinking about what a Dwarven Druid might look like. 

I don’t think a new racial power covers it – a dwarf’s nature is to harvest and refine.  It stands in contrast to the Druid’s desire to live in protection of a natural cycle that, in part through them, is self sustaining.  A world full of nothing but Dwarves would end up looking like the clockwork planes eventually.

Enter The Rock.  The Rock protects the rich earth while simultaneously exploiting her.  A Druid serves within nature, but The Rock ‘corrupts’ her into a form more pleasurable to those with sentience.



So, this is a thing now.

So, this is a thing now.

So, this is a thing now.

The Heir : Son (or daughter) of a baron.  Possibly a good choice for the beginning of a sandbox game, as it introduces a Steading as well and secures motivation to protect and nurture it.


… does it have teeth?  I feel like it’s a little light on dynamism.


I’ve posted an old version of this, but here’s the refined take.

I’ve posted an old version of this, but here’s the refined take.

I’ve posted an old version of this, but here’s the refined take.

The Voice : https://www.dropbox.com/s/rgd30vc5kyzcnlc/TheVoice.pdf

Thanks to everyone who made suggestions here in the Tavern, and to my group who keyed me off to a few additional things.  Nothing’s ever done-done though : let me know if you see something, or if your group uses it let me know how it works for you!