So I’d just like to share one of the greatest, strangest, weapons I have seen used in a DW session yet.
Are you ready for this?
Projectile vomit.
Last night, I ran a Hangout game where the Human Monk of the party went up against the prized champion of a barbaric stronghold: a midget named Milo with far too many elbows.
Toward the end of the match, when the Monk, of course, defeated the barbarians’ prized champion, the Monk kept beating on Milo, even after he was down, and the Elven Initiate of the party thought this act was too dishonorable and poked at the Monk’s stomach (triggering the Sublime Understanding of the Body move) with his animal-style grip – causing the Monk to vomit all over the limp and disabled Milo.
Well, from the crowd of people watching, Milo’s thugs, of course, came out to defend him; and the Monk, still throwing up over Milo, grabbed some vomit in his hands (effectively using a new weapon and triggering the Iron Lotus move) and threw it in the thug’s eyes, blinding and disabling him.
It was a really great scene – the whole Milo fight.
Just thought I’d share.
That’s also an example of the first bit of PvP I’ve ever seen in a DW game too.