If you’ve run Dungeon World as a play-by-post game, what tips, tricks, and tools do you recommend?

If you’ve run Dungeon World as a play-by-post game, what tips, tricks, and tools do you recommend?

If you’ve run Dungeon World as a play-by-post game, what tips, tricks, and tools do you recommend?

Help me brainstorm a better bargain from Death, please?

Help me brainstorm a better bargain from Death, please?

Help me brainstorm a better bargain from Death, please?

I had a druid whose primary forms were a bird of paradise and a “sapphire gorilla”, though he listed a few other creatures as well (including a python). He was swallowed whole by a giant serpent, the avatar of a serpent god. The serpent god was about sacrifices, and turning sacrifices into snake-like creatures, of course. 🙂

Death suggested the druid could return to the land of the living, if he swore himself to the serpent god, and lived in service of him. Without hesitation, he chose to die instead of serve such a god. The complete lack of hesitation told me I should’ve made the choice more difficult.

What would you have done? What better bargain could have been offered to make my sapphire druid friend think twice?

I released a new version of my Dungeon World Tools!

I released a new version of my Dungeon World Tools!

I released a new version of my Dungeon World Tools! It’s not a huge update from an end user perspective. The most noticeable change is what used to be a random monster “generator” now is an easy-to-use monster finder, including all stats and text from the DW SRD.


If you get some use out of it, have any suggestions, or what-have-you, let me know!

What are some good questions to ask to build up the next adventure for a party?

What are some good questions to ask to build up the next adventure for a party?

What are some good questions to ask to build up the next adventure for a party?

Last session, the group defeated a fledgling druid organization bent on nature taking back that which has been ‘civilized’. (You know, the worst parts of PETA and Greenpeace if they had magic and advocated for plant-life, too.) They can return to town, where they’ll get a reward. They can visit some other cities where they might or might not have family. They could further explore the swamp they’re currently recovering in (where I loosely planned some other stuff to explore). I think I want to ask questions similar to those I might ask during the first session.

Have you done this sort of thing? Any guidelines? Any questions that immediately pop to your mind?

For those of you running Roll20 games: how do you handle mapping?

For those of you running Roll20 games: how do you handle mapping?

For those of you running Roll20 games: how do you handle mapping? I do the index card method in-person, but I haven’t figured out how to manage map-making on Roll20.

I will soon be GMing a game for friends, a few of whom are somewhat new to RPGs, and somewhat new friends.

I will soon be GMing a game for friends, a few of whom are somewhat new to RPGs, and somewhat new friends.

I will soon be GMing a game for friends, a few of whom are somewhat new to RPGs, and somewhat new friends. I want to get some idea of things they might like to see in our game, so I put together this survey: http://goo.gl/forms/UjDhx8nKB2

Could you take a look at tell me what you think? Have you done this sort of pre-game player survey before?

(Not directly DW related, but you guys are awesome, thoughtful, and go about GMing in the way I’d like to go about GMing, it seems to me. The game will indeed be DW.)

Going to GenCon? Want to play or GM DW during normal business hours or after 9p on Thursday or Friday?

Going to GenCon? Want to play or GM DW during normal business hours or after 9p on Thursday or Friday?

Going to GenCon? Want to play or GM DW during normal business hours or after 9p on Thursday or Friday?

I’m an Indy resident (towny!), and am planning to take Thursday and Friday off for GenCon. However, I want to be home for dinner and bedtime with the family. This constrains me to ~9-5 or after the kids are in bed Thursday and Friday. If some folk are interested, I thought a pickup game at a coffee shop or something similar might be a fun way to start off either of those days. Alternatively, I’ll suck it up, bring my own coffee, and stay up super late to get in some more DW. Whaddya say?

I wanted to share with you all some tools I built for Dungeon World: http://dwtools.mileszs.com/

I wanted to share with you all some tools I built for Dungeon World: http://dwtools.mileszs.com/

I wanted to share with you all some tools I built for Dungeon World: http://dwtools.mileszs.com/

There’s a Hard Move Finder, a Monster Finder, and a Monster Maker. They’re perhaps a bit rough yet, but I’m anxious to get your feedback.

(Thank you Todd Grotenhuis for your feedback thus far!)

Here is my first pass at making the Immolator a bit easier, more fun to play (in my eyes):…

Here is my first pass at making the Immolator a bit easier, more fun to play (in my eyes):…

Here is my first pass at making the Immolator a bit easier, more fun to play (in my eyes): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9699466/Immolator-custom-v1.1.pdf

It’s my first attempt at customizing a class, a first draft, hasn’t been played yet, and is likely biased toward its player and our game. Still, I’d welcome your thoughts!


Have you customized The Immolator, and are willing to share?

Have you customized The Immolator, and are willing to share?

Have you customized The Immolator, and are willing to share?

A player of mine chose The Immolator. I made a few changes to simplify playing the class (everything is roll+WIS now, start with dungeon rations instead of starting with adventure gear). However, I feel that some of the moves could be re-worded, removed, or other moves added to make the class better fit the player and world, and make it even more fun. 

I would love to hear others’ experiences with the class, and hear or see others’ customizations of it. Care to share?