Help me brainstorm a better bargain from Death, please?
Help me brainstorm a better bargain from Death, please?
I had a druid whose primary forms were a bird of paradise and a “sapphire gorilla”, though he listed a few other creatures as well (including a python). He was swallowed whole by a giant serpent, the avatar of a serpent god. The serpent god was about sacrifices, and turning sacrifices into snake-like creatures, of course. 
Death suggested the druid could return to the land of the living, if he swore himself to the serpent god, and lived in service of him. Without hesitation, he chose to die instead of serve such a god. The complete lack of hesitation told me I should’ve made the choice more difficult.
What would you have done? What better bargain could have been offered to make my sapphire druid friend think twice?