Hey guys, here’s my first-ever Base Class for Dungeon World.
Hey guys, here’s my first-ever Base Class for Dungeon World.
Can’t wait to have your feedbacks and even if I’m a newbie, don’t pull your punches!
A few notes on the character concept: it’s based on a setting I’m developing for something else (a comic book…) that I’ve been dying to play in/test for some time -and DW is perfect for it!
I adjusted the original concept for the D&D-inspired fantasy races (dwarves & humans) but know that the Soldier of Law is basically a “desert stormtrooper”, a mix between a Spartan warrior and a primitive Templar-like warrior-with-faith.
The Confederate Cities they usually come from are located in a rocky desert basin that generates a tough breed of warriors, DWARF warriors in this version. The humans are basically mercenaries that joined the Army of Law.
And yes, they worship the Law as a deity, and are ready to go at length to enforce it. If they ever leave the Army, some find work as “respected” Headsmen in the many courts of the violent province.
That’s it!
Look forward to hear from you!