Here’s a link to a little blog we made (in french), Philip Espi & me, about Dungeon World.

Here’s a link to a little blog we made (in french), Philip Espi & me, about Dungeon World.

Here’s a link to a little blog we made (in french), Philip Espi & me, about Dungeon World. It’s called Dungeon World Gazette and last contribution was about ten new poisons for master thieves (maybe a future contribution in Grim Portents – I sent a translation to Chris Sakkas)

Last night, our Drood discovered the laws of gravitation while trying to  transform herself into a bat as she was…

Last night, our Drood discovered the laws of gravitation while trying to  transform herself into a bat as she was…

Last night, our Drood discovered the laws of gravitation while trying to  transform herself into a bat as she was falling from a bridge

…and rolled a 6…

Maybe the first french convention to see a DW play yesterday.

Maybe the first french convention to see a DW play yesterday.

Maybe the first french convention to see a DW play yesterday.

Had six players and it went quite well. It took 45 mn to prepare PCs and everybody seemed satisfied with the rules. We focused on fiction and it flowed smoothly. Some newbies even played the bonds which is remarkable  to my opinion.

Because of religious divergence, the cleric and the paladin didn’t want to heal each other (how true life reflects in roleplay sometimes…). 

The dwarf cleric healed the cute elf fighter and his deity got a little upset with that. This game is definitely fun by creating interaction between players. 

The druid tested a lot of forms and it was quite fun. She tried an otter form in the sea to realize that her eyes were not made for salty water, so she transformed herself into a salmon and got chased by sharks and cormorants.