Hey, I’ve got a Druid question.

Hey, I’ve got a Druid question.

Hey, I’ve got a Druid question.

Do I make the druid roll damage when they use hold to attack someone? At the moment it seems as if the druid is overpowered if I let them instantly kill someone as a bear. I don’t mind that, but it’s starting to overshadow the other players.


Hey guys

Hey guys

Hey guys,

In our most recent session, one of the players set a monster on fire. I couldn’t find any rules for this, so I just rolled after each players turn what seemed like probable damage to the thing. (The thing was a twisted mass of flesh that was largely indifferent to the pain of being burned so I rolled a 1d4).

Could’ve I have handled that better? What do you guys do when somebody uses fire?


Hey, guys.

Hey, guys.

Hey, guys.

Having trouble with the ranger’s companion. He uses his wolf mostly to scout out areas and rooms ahead of the group. Do I make the ranger roll discern realities for that? Only when it makes sense? Or not at all? Also, when the companion is in combat,  does the companion just work completely within the fiction? I can’t seem to find anything mechanical for this.

Thanks in advance.

Hey guys

Hey guys

Hey guys,

Looking to get some feedback on my magic items. Some are more useful than others, but I can only imagine what the players will do with them.

Sharpened Collar Bone

Blood will guide you…

Drip your blood onto the bone (1d4 damage) and you can ask it a question. It will point you in the direction of one existing answer. 

The Meat Hook

Is this edible…?

Instead of consuming a ration, you may use the meat hook to produce one meal’s worth of random meat.

Book of Regrets

My only regret is using this book…

Force someone to share one of their regrets, but reveal one of yours.

The Empty Vial

What’s the opposite of urine…?

Liquid that enters this vial becomes opposite in nature e.g. water to lava, blood to poison, honey to swamp water etc.

Relic of Weeping

Make it rain, literally…

This artifact can generate rain on a wide area or specific spot for several hours.

Skull of Inevitability

All time is burrowed…

Store one sustained wound which must return to its owner in the future.


Hi, guys.

Hi, guys.

Hi, guys.

I’m a first time GM about to run a Dungeon World campaign, and I’d like to get some feedback on my custom moves. In the fiction, hundreds of strange devices were constructed using powerful cursed blood. This leads them to be magical artifacts of great power at great cost. Hopefully I’ve got the risk/reward mechanics down to reinforce that idea. Obviously, these artifacts will have to be suitably powerful to offset the negatives.

Cursed Artifact:

If the player interacts with or stares at a cursed artifact, roll +Wis

On a 10+, you resist being cursed and discern the Artifact’s purpose

On a 7-9, choose one;

You resist being cursed

You discern the Artifact’s purpose

On a -6, you are cursed

Here are some example curses;

Night Terrors

Your natural sleep is pervaded by horrors, roll +Con

On a 10+, you resist the terrors and sleep soundly

On a 7-9, choose one;

You sleep soundly at a cost

Your sleep is half as effective (heal 25% of max hp instead of 50%)

On a -6, you don’t sleep at all


One per day, you feel the need to inflict pain, roll +Wis

On a 10+, you resist the urge

On a 7-9, choose one;

You resist at a cost

You hurt yourself.

On a -6, you hurt the closest person, friend or foe

Here is an example artifact;

Sharpened Collar Bone

Hold your palm flat and whisper…

Once per day, you can ask the bone a question and it will point you in the direction of one existing answer.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
