So thanks to the useful responses from others and very inspired by Oliver Lind here is my attempt at first session…

So thanks to the useful responses from others and very inspired by Oliver Lind here is my attempt at first session…

So thanks to the useful responses from others and very inspired by Oliver Lind here is my attempt at first session world building.

The idea is to answer what The World Is and what the World is about and go down the list. Obviously these can lead to even more questions, and especially the races you can have more then one. Also you can change some of the answers, for example I haven’t figured out a way to express in a sentence a world close to terry pratchett or monty python kind of fun and silly world.

I hope people find this useful and I’m going to try it in my next first session.

So after watching Adam do the first session of Apocalypse World.

So after watching Adam do the first session of Apocalypse World.

So after watching Adam do the first session of Apocalypse World. I really like the idea of collaborating with the players in setting up the world that we are going to be playing in.

So I kind of need good questions to ask to get people thinking what type of fantasy world thr setging is, and what thd races are like. The strong thing about AW is that the kind of apocalypse basically decides what style the world is and makes the follow up questions easier. Fantasy is i feel a bit harder.

So any tips?

Teuthida: My Dungeon World Setting

Teuthida: My Dungeon World Setting

Teuthida: My Dungeon World Setting

Hey there, this is something I made up when reading a lot of China Mieville and Jeff Vandermeer and playing a lot of Dungeon World and of course wanted to combine all of them.

Here is the setting, a weird city with many districts and weird things on the surface. Its also got a few First session adventures and questions to ask about each district. Any improvements, and comments are welcome.

Interesting question probably been asked before.

Interesting question probably been asked before.

Interesting question probably been asked before. How would you do a mystery in Dungeon World. I’m doing one shots but keeping the same characters and the best way I have come up with is cops in a big city investigating crimes. Now the problem with Dungeon World is that Fronts don’t really work for mysteries since the Impending doom has already happened, and there is no investigation skill(not that i like to have clues under that skill but it can be useful for saying whether they get information that would help them massivly). Also how do I keep the actual going on an adventure interviewing these people exciting?

Your help in this matter as ever is grateful.

I probably had the most random Dungeon World session ever, things were going ok I had a group of people and they…

I probably had the most random Dungeon World session ever, things were going ok I had a group of people and they…

I probably had the most random Dungeon World session ever, things were going ok I had a group of people and they were following this group of people through the city. I asked a few questions about what was i nthe shops and in the city and I got kind of silly answers like Talking Mosquitos so ok this is going to be a bit silly, so I created cultists that lured the players in with Fish and Chips. Then a random came in that someone knew and was playing around being a pebble and then they stopped going for the group of people they were following and I was like ah what do I do so I asked what do they want to do…well they want to talk to dancing monkeys and the talking mosquito and stuff and I just broke as a GM I was like…ehhhhh what do I do! But thankfully the player came in and brought it back on track and they went to the factory district and then some politicians came in and they had a shouting match with them. And then they went and the players started going against each other I was trying my hardest for them to care about a plot or something happening but nope so I just went screw it lets just have randomness of them floating towards space then coming down on a deserted island with zombies and again a lot of craziness…I had to end it so I just thought well it was all on the Holodeck on the Starship Enterprise. I will say I wasn’t the best I was at GMing but also the players had no interest in any of the plot hooks I was trying to put in.

This friday GMing a one shot for my final game of an online group.

This friday GMing a one shot for my final game of an online group.

This friday GMing a one shot for my final game of an online group. Im going for a Gothic City with weird stuff happening kind of like Victorian London. Just wondering though if the classes would work in that setting since there more high medieval fantasy. If they don’t just wondering what classes might work.

So I have been having an argument with this GM, and I wanted my character to be an ork from one of these custom…

So I have been having an argument with this GM, and I wanted my character to be an ork from one of these custom…

So I have been having an argument with this GM, and I wanted my character to be an ork from one of these custom races and have the custom ability. But then he was saying that it doesn’t go with the group and he wants me to play that standard human even though i don’t think the standard human move goes with my character. I’m just wondering if I’m being unreasonable or he is getting the rules wrong?