I’ve been thinking about replacing the End of Session “Did we loot memorable treasure” lately.

I’ve been thinking about replacing the End of Session “Did we loot memorable treasure” lately.

I’ve been thinking about replacing the End of Session “Did we loot memorable treasure” lately. I’d like to replace it with something like “Did we bring our heritage into play?” but I’m struggling with the wording. Any thoughts?

Here’s an NPC/monster I used during a Planarch Codex session today.

Here’s an NPC/monster I used during a Planarch Codex session today.

Here’s an NPC/monster I used during a Planarch Codex session today. It made for a great scene during play, so I thought I’d share.

Ghost of a nameless Planar Poet

Solitary, Intelligent, Planar

Cutting Voice (10 damage) 12 HP 0 Armor


Special Quality: Flaming Eyes

“It almost looks like a human, almost, except for the flaming eyes. Wait, I think it’s talking… Oh my… ugh… it’s a seemingly neverending lay about the mistreatment and injustices experienced during a poetic life… no, we can’t leave now, we can’t possibly… no, not another line of regular iambic pentameter, please, no… PLEAHEAHEASE… NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.”

Instinct: Gather an audience

– Enthrall their minds and make them listen

– Make them feel utterly lost and desperately lonely with poetry

Hi, I’ve some problems with a heritage move and would be grateful for any input.

Hi, I’ve some problems with a heritage move and would be grateful for any input.

Hi, I’ve some problems with a heritage move and would be grateful for any input.

To give some background info, I’ve just started a game with  3 players, mostly new to Dungeon World. So I went with a modified version of Heritage Moves, telling them to make up 1 heritage move in addition to their normal race move, so they wouldn’t feel overwhelmed by having to make up several moves when they barely know how they actually work.

I got stuck with the 7-9 options for the heritage move of a former halfling prince, now stranded in Dis. The idea was that the halfling is so used to commanding people, that he’s occasionally able to appear like a person of authority to others, who will then for a short time behave accordingly.

The makeshift move we ended up using looks like this:

When you want to appear like a person of authority for a short time, roll+CHA. On 10+ they treat you as if you were a superior. On a 7-9 they treat you as if you were a superior, but choose one

* They do not start to research you and your claims

* They do not do what they are told half-heartedly

I’m not really content with the move, but I’m struggling to come up with ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 🙂