I wanted to run a campaign set in the KH universe with a group of my friends.

I wanted to run a campaign set in the KH universe with a group of my friends.

I wanted to run a campaign set in the KH universe with a group of my friends. My main background with PBtA is Dungeon World but I have recently began looking at Apocalypse World 2.0 and Masks: A New Generation.

I had originally wanted to use basically a reflavored DW system, but after looking at the other PBtA games, I figured there might be a better way.

For stats I was thinking:

Body – For all things Keyblade combat

Mind – Spellcasting and such

Heart – Defensive stat and form changing

Light – Connections, Summonings, Dlinks, etc

Dark – Manipulation of Darkness or people themselves

For playbooks, I was considering do a simple base sheet that is expanded upon with compendium classes (Since everyone would basically be a Keyblade Wielder class).

Example: Everyone starts with a compendium class related to their highest stat and starting moves for that stat, but also can level up and take moves from the compendium class of their second highest stat. After 5 ish advancements, they can gain the compendium of their 3rd highest stat.

Everyone would have a base “Keychain” move that would represent their keyblade’s current form. I was thinking of a system where they can change their current keychain at any long rest and each keychain would come with specific tags added to a keyblade and possible come with one move as well.

This is sort of the starting base that I have come up with. I am not sure how in depth I want to be creating a whole new system from scratch since I just need something workable for a campaign with friends. Even current PBtA mechanics that could be reflavored to fit Kingdom Hearts could be good.

TLDR: I am just interested in how people would make Kingdom Hearts work in a PBtA style game.

I have created a new iteration of my Wild Mage Playbook, hopefully to fix some of the issues people have been having…

I have created a new iteration of my Wild Mage Playbook, hopefully to fix some of the issues people have been having…

I have created a new iteration of my Wild Mage Playbook, hopefully to fix some of the issues people have been having with previous versions.

Previous Iterations:




I recently recreated my Wild Mage playbook from long ago and gave it a proper Dungeon World look and a lot of…

I recently recreated my Wild Mage playbook from long ago and gave it a proper Dungeon World look and a lot of…

I recently recreated my Wild Mage playbook from long ago and gave it a proper Dungeon World look and a lot of improvements. It is meant to be played with any list of random Wild Surges, such as: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byppa832YATUYjdrZTAyLWNheGc/view?usp=sharing

I would appreciate help with any formatting or grammar issues as well as input on how the playbook functions as a whole. 


One of the things that I have noticed from playing Dungeon World awhile is that every now and then I wish to have…

One of the things that I have noticed from playing Dungeon World awhile is that every now and then I wish to have…

One of the things that I have noticed from playing Dungeon World awhile is that every now and then I wish to have more things to roll. The initial stats are nice and simple, but occasionally they cover to broad of categories and it would be nice to have more focused skill progression. I came up with a rough draft for a skill tree system where players gain skill points per stat equal to to 2(Modifier)+2 points. These skill points can be spent to gain Skill Modifiers for very narrowly defined sets of skill moves related to each stat, up to a Skill Modifier of +3. Ex: 18Dex (+3 Modifier) = 8 Skill points. Points can be spent as: (+3) Lock picking treasure chests, (+3) Reverse pick pocketing, (+2) Sneaking in elevated positions. Depending on how you divide the skill points, it provides more varied stat modifiers for different actions where you could trade either having a higher modifier or a lower modifier that triggers a better move. 

In one of my campaigns, I have a player who is playing the Artificer class.

In one of my campaigns, I have a player who is playing the Artificer class.

In one of my campaigns, I have a player who is playing the Artificer class. One of her gadgets that she has used since the beginning was a Electrical Amplification Glove. She has recently met and become the follower of an Aspect of Power and Artifacts in the local pantheon. This Aspect has upgraded her gadget to artifact status. Since she is leveling up soon, I was wanting to find some good moves that would fit into an “Artifact Bearer” compendium class. Moves that focus either on lighting / weather or gauntlet / armor style moves.

Hi all.

Hi all.

Hi all. I’ve been considering attempting a new one shots with my friends based off of the idea of dragon riders and I could use some people throwing in inspiration.

The idea that I’m going for is that the character’s and their dragons would act as one entity based on their class. They would share health, the dragon taking damage when the rider did and vice versa. The dragons would take on aspects of the rider’s class features such as a warrior dragon having exceptional fangs and claws or a ranger dragon having enhanced projectile breath abilities. I could use some ideas for setting this up across the dungeon world and grim world classes.

I mostly want help with the dragon/rider combination, but I will also say that I’m planning on making a high magic world where the party is an order of dragon riders with authority that surpasses kings. I haven’t decided what challenge they will face, but the idea of returning Titans has been appealing to me.

Any brainstorming of cool ideas would be appreciated!

Hello, this is my first time posting here and my first time creating any custom content for Dungeon World.

Hello, this is my first time posting here and my first time creating any custom content for Dungeon World.

Hello, this is my first time posting here and my first time creating any custom content for Dungeon World. It’d be great if everyone could give me feedback on improving my class.

Here is the link to my Wild Mage:


It is meant to be used with any sort of Wild Surge result table. My personal preference is:

