Hello, this is my first time posting here and my first time creating any custom content for Dungeon World.

Hello, this is my first time posting here and my first time creating any custom content for Dungeon World.

Hello, this is my first time posting here and my first time creating any custom content for Dungeon World. It’d be great if everyone could give me feedback on improving my class.

Here is the link to my Wild Mage:


It is meant to be used with any sort of Wild Surge result table. My personal preference is:



4 thoughts on “Hello, this is my first time posting here and my first time creating any custom content for Dungeon World.”

  1. Check out


    for the openoffice version and


    for the Word version.

    I’d be worried about  the loss of agency that having so much randomness embodies.  BUT it’d be an awesome way of introducing difficulties and avoiding turtling-up  I don’t know, I’d have to play with one.


    Considering changing the level seven and nine spells. 

    7 – When I stab the dark knight under the influence of this spell

    50% my sword doesn’t exist for me – how do I swing it?

    50% my sword doesn’t exist for them – I’m just flailing around

    50% their armor doesn’t exist, my sword sinks right through them

    3/4 chance I cannot poke them with my sharp stick!

    9 – With this spell one character can

    Raise the dead

    Resurrect the dead

    Resurrect THEMSELVES (Contingency + Resurrect)

    Heal themselves and their allies

    See their future

    Divine the actions of others

    Become invisible

    See through illusions


    Polymorph people

    Dominate people’s minds

    (And, using third party classes….)

    Summon up any item from a dimensional rift

    Blind your enemies

    The character loses spells much less often under this class’s casting rules than the other classes.  It seems… powerful. 

  2. Thanks for the feedback and links.

    The randomness is a key component of the wild Mage I think. They shouldn’t be too reliable. So that might just be personal preference for if people want to play it or not.

    For There / Not There: it doesn’t necessarily have to be an offensive spell. It would be good for confusion, getting past barriers, defensive for the reasons you listed. I think I listed it as the dungeon world equivalent of channeled / sustained and if I didn’t I’ll add that in so that the wild Mage can end the effect.

    I agree, that one is a strong power and id like to balance it to keep it in. It’s compared to the wish spell almost in D&D. I thought the fact that it radiates magic (A fiction effect) and that the magic eventually dissipates (thus things like contingency wouldn’t work) would make it a little bit more workable.

    I didn’t include it, but I should have, but the wild Mage basically uses the wizards’ cast a spell move after they have prepared a spell, so they can still forget spells. Nahal’s is separate from that, in that it doesn’t depend on the bag of oddities ability.

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