Does anyone else ever struggle with getting your ideas from your head onto a sheet of paper. In theory it seems like a pretty simple process but I find it very difficult to transition from head to paper.
Does anyone else ever struggle with getting your ideas from your head onto a sheet of paper. In theory it seems like a pretty simple process but I find it very difficult to transition from head to paper.
Hello all
Hello all,
I am looking for tips and/or resources regarding how to describe the are that my PCs may find themselves in. For example, a forest glade, a cave, bustling city etc.
I really struggle with this as I want them be able to picture the world. But I know that these things can often times be over done where there is too much irrelevant information or under done where there isn’t enough for them to spark their imagination
Guys I don’t fully understand multiclass dabbler and initiate.
Guys I don’t fully understand multiclass dabbler and initiate. For example if I am a fighter and at lvl 2 I multiclass into wizards spell book. As I further level do I continue to gain wizard levels as well as fighter levels?