As requested, here is the second example situation analysed through the lens of #FantasyWorld’s mechanics.

As requested, here is the second example situation analysed through the lens of #FantasyWorld’s mechanics.

As requested, here is the second example situation analysed through the lens of #FantasyWorld’s mechanics.

Let me know in the poll and comments if you find this an interesting comparison, or if I should spend my time otherwise 😉

I need opinions on an alternative magic system for the Wizard in #FantasyWorld. Could you help me out? :)

I need opinions on an alternative magic system for the Wizard in #FantasyWorld. Could you help me out? 🙂

I need opinions on an alternative magic system for the Wizard in #FantasyWorld. Could you help me out? 🙂

The link leads to a POLL and a gDoc with the new moves.

As promised, here is the first example situation analysed through the lens of #FantasyWorld’s mechanics.

As promised, here is the first example situation analysed through the lens of #FantasyWorld’s mechanics.

As promised, here is the first example situation analysed through the lens of #FantasyWorld’s mechanics.

Let me know in the poll and comments if you find this an interesting comparison, or if I should spend my time otherwise 😉

Hey Jeremy Strandberg :)

Hey Jeremy Strandberg 🙂

Hey Jeremy Strandberg 🙂

I was thinking of using the cool example situations you posted here in the past weeks to see how #FantasyWorld would handle them in comparison to vanilla #DungeonWorld.

Would you mind if I did that? Also using the same pictures?

Also, would anyone here be interested in such a side by side comparison?

It’s not meant as a better vs worse kind of thing, but rather as a solutionA vs solutionB scenario. Looking at the differences in approach and design.




What do you find the most clear and unambiguous? Option 1 or 2 or 3 ?


When you convey to someone that you will harm them unless they do what you want…


When you manipulate someone with the threat of immediate harm…


When you force someone to say or do something here and now using the threat of immediate harm…

I’ve often had problems using the Parley move in Dungeon World (and the Seduce & Manipulate move in Apocalypse…

I’ve often had problems using the Parley move in Dungeon World (and the Seduce & Manipulate move in Apocalypse…

I’ve often had problems using the Parley move in Dungeon World (and the Seduce & Manipulate move in Apocalypse World) but until now I never tried to express them in a communicable form.

In the linked post I try to explain my gripes, and to offer a possible alternative solution. One that is now part of my personal DW reimagining, jokingly called #AdvancedDungeonWorldNext2 (or just #ADWN2 for short) (just a funny placeholder name for the project).

Am I the only one experiencing those problems?

What are YOUR problems with that move?

How do you like my alternative move?

Hunting for ideas to finish up a move for #AdvancedDungeonWorldNext2 #ADWN2

Hunting for ideas to finish up a move for #AdvancedDungeonWorldNext2 #ADWN2

Hunting for ideas to finish up a move for #AdvancedDungeonWorldNext2 #ADWN2

(the name is just a joking placeholder for the project ^_^)

End of Session

bla bla bla stuff upkeep bla bla bla


Finally have the group look back at the game session just concluded. For each YES everyone earns 1XP.

– Can you recount one memorable moment for each character?

– Is the world different because of your latest actions?


I need help figuring out a 3rd thing to guide Protagonists’ behavior 🙂

I’m looking for blind-testers to play a radical respin of DW.

I’m looking for blind-testers to play a radical respin of DW.

I’m looking for blind-testers to play a radical respin of DW.

I need people willing to grab the rulebook and play it without the designer’s presence at the virtual table. Obviously, while recording online the game session.

Any volunteers? 🙂

I have a question for my fellow DW fans :)

I have a question for my fellow DW fans 🙂

I have a question for my fellow DW fans 🙂

Is there enough dungeon in Dungeon World?

I explain this a bit more in this post over on the StoryGames forum

UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA

UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA

UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA


This is the third thread in the series where I present my latest work to the public, explain it’s design goals, and then discuss and analyse the final result on the Story-Games forum.
