Ran an audio-only game on Discord a few nights ago with some strangers; we used Ray Otus’s excellent Plundergrounds…

Ran an audio-only game on Discord a few nights ago with some strangers; we used Ray Otus’s excellent Plundergrounds…

Ran an audio-only game on Discord a few nights ago with some strangers; we used Ray Otus’s excellent Plundergrounds issue “Hoard” – really, really great stuff.

I think my players were more scared of the Dragon Crabs than the actual Dragon.

8 thoughts on “Ran an audio-only game on Discord a few nights ago with some strangers; we used Ray Otus’s excellent Plundergrounds…”

  1. Robert Doe yeah it works very well; on the Dungeon World Discord Server we have rooms and such for both campaigns and one shots. I simply used the one shot audio room and the one shot text channel (they are two different things) and we used a bot for dice rolling (for example, if you have a WIS of +2, you’d do !dice2d6+2 to show the result). We also had one person roll (honor system is fine with me).

  2. Yochai Gal I’d love to hear more details. Which dragon did you use? Did you make one up? What else did you introduce? We’re there any particularly fun discoveries?

  3. I sorta made my own; it was a one-shot so I didn’t have a lot of established background. I also created a Wyrm in the traditional sense (rather than an actual winged dragon. If we continued the story (Mark Weis plug your ears) then I’d have used Saluciadar as there was a lengthy scene involving dragon poop.

    Oh, and they found a rift in space-time, which the Wizard closed with a Ritual involving said dragon crabs.

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