So here’s a new World of Dungeons class I wrote trying to make an improved Sage/Bard hybrid with some FF Orator thrown in. Behold my first draft.
Orators get Insight as their skill. Choose two special abilities:. 1 War skald (when you galvanise a group to battle or action, all of you get +1 forward +1 armor and +1 damage for a short time). 2 Persuasive(You can try to alter someones beliefs or goals to your advantage). 3 Foresight (Roll 2d6 plus Int to discern what the future holds.) 4 Soothing tongue (you have the power to calm the savage heart and ease tension or strife)
Persuasive and Soothing Tongue have alot of overlap. Maybe replace ST with something else. Perhaps:
Entertainer (You are known far-and-wide, and easily acquire the eye of others. You can use your popularity as leverage)
Robert Doe Here’s an idea I thought of. Strategist, inspired by Sun Tzu and Musashi, famous military philosophers.
(When analyzing a problem or conflict on a 10+ ask 2, on 7- ask one.
– Can I use the terrain or setting to my advantage?
-Can I control energy/morale of friend or foe?
-Can I avert an impending crisis or enemy plot?
I use can because it’s up to the player to find the solution, not get it handed to them.