We’ve had a game going for some time now, switching from 1e to 2e stuff when I found about the playtest, but we’ve made some changes:
-Players were not keen on the mark abilities change so we’ve retained the old XP track
-We ditched alignments in favor of everyone having three traits, two randomly rolled and one freely chosen, because of ongoing problems with the neutral alignment goal and players not really wanting to pick/roll evil alignment anymore
-Instead of alignment goal we have character goals that the players create at character creation
-The power pool of Magic-Users has been split into power and focus pools. Power is set at 2+Int and focus is equal to level, depletes with use and must be regained through quiet meditation
-One of my players created a bard playbook that we are now trying out
How does focus work?
Chris Shorb You can use it as additional power or to boost your roll
Bellmoore oh that’s cool
One of my groups tried Mark Ability for a few sessions and also decided to stick with pure XP, but then, we’re gluttons for a slow slogging punishing crawl to the top with lots of TPKs.
The closest to a TPK this group has gotten was when three of my five players got into a glorious PVP brawl, which ended in the mutual destruction of all three. They were all evil aligned with the two survivors being neutral