Some info on Marshedge, the “proper” town to Stonetop’s east.
Marshedge is about 10 days’ travel from Stonetop, via the Highway through the Steplands. It’s a relatively safe trip, as long as you stick to the safety of the roads. The town overlooks Ferrier’s Fen, a vast, mist-shrouded wetland between the Great Wood, the Steplands, and the Manmarch.
Hey, this is good. I didn’t know Stonetop had a whole land around it.
Aaron Griffin: – Setting Overview.pdf
I love it. Quick question here — how can I buy Stonetop to run it with my group?
Piotr Pietrzak it’s not available for sale yet, but it’s in playtesting. If you have a group that’s interested and can commit to 3+ sessions and giving feedback, let me know.
If you or your group want to know more before committing, check this out: – Stonetop