The classic Harley Stroh DCC Module”Jeweler That Dealt In Stardust” Conversion Notes for the Dungeon World RPG by Logan Howard and myself. We were inspired by Wayne Peacock’s fine DCC conversion work. Feedback Welcome! classic Harley Stroh DCC Module”Jeweler That Dealt In Stardust” Conversion Notes for the Dungeon World RPG by…
The classic Harley Stroh DCC Module”Jeweler That Dealt In Stardust” Conversion Notes for the Dungeon World RPG by…
First, thanks for this awesome contibution. Second, a question: To extinguish the candle, you specify to make attacks against armor class 2 or armor class 4. Is this a mistake? If so, what is the correct DW rule? If not, how do I interpret this within the DW rules?
Andrew Gross I’ll have to rewrite that! The Candle has an armor class of 2 or 4 (depending on the type of your magical weapon) as if it was a monster in Dungeon World. So you have to inflict 5 points of damage after the Armor Class is subtracted with a ranged or melee magical weapon as usual in Dungeon World. Does that make sense? Can you think of a better mechanic? I sometimes find DCC hard to adapt and this one was a challenge…
Mark Tygart I thought “Armor Class” was a D20 specific term, which modified an attack roll to make it harder to hit. I thought Dungeon World had “Armor”, which subtracted from the amount of damage done. So I think the extra word “Class” after “Armor” isn’t DW terminology. Am I confused about this?
Andrew Gross No My writing is confused, as an old gamer I sometimes default to incorrect D&D terminology. I’ll clean it up. Treat the Candle as if it was a monster with armor is what i mean to say.
Andrew Gross Hopefully it makes sense now. Many thanks, this is exactly the type of feedback i need.
Is it intentional that you have the exact entries for Sarzuk the Devil and Spider of Ygizz and Cold Grasp Move repeated in their entirety in two different spots? I haven’t seen that before, do you just repeat the entries every point they can be encountered?
Andrew Gross Yes, thought it would be more useful for the GM that way. Do you think I should delete the duplicates?
Mark Tygart Dude, I’ve paid money for your dungeons, I don’t think I’m in any position to be giving you advice.
But for what it’s worth, I find it odd that they’re repeated, particularly because the entire document is so short. If it was 50 pages long it might make sense to me, but this is like 5 pages, so it seems odd to have like 20% of the content be repeated.
Andrew Gross A paying customer! I’m all ears!…:)