Back with the plague doctor and some move ideas. Any Advice?

Back with the plague doctor and some move ideas. Any Advice?

Back with the plague doctor and some move ideas. Any Advice?

1. Autopsia Cadaverum

When you spend an hour or so performing an autopsy on a recent corpse, you gain Understanding equal to your level +2. You can spend Understanding on creating various concoctions, during combat to exploit your knowledge of anatomy and when mending the wounds of those around you. (requires your Instruments)

– Inflict Wounds (Hand)

Spend 1 Understanding when using the move Hack & Slash to add 1d4 damage. (requires your Instruments)

-Field Surgeon

Spend 1 Understanding when mending your companions wounds and injuries. Heal for 1d8. (requires your Instruments)

2. Alkimie

When you have access to your Instruments, necessary materials and have some time you may spend 1 Understanding to create various concoctions in relation to biology & Thanatology. Describe what you are trying to create and roll +INT.

On a 10+ the GM will choose one

What you will need

How long it will take

In addition, on a 7-9, chose one.

The mixture is unstable. (gains the Dangerous tag)

The result is inconclusive. (potential risk and reward)

It is a crummy mixture, results in weak potency. (example healing potion only heals 1d4 instead of 1d8)

3. The Bold and the Blight.

If when performing the move Autopsia Cadaverum the corpse is ridden with plague, gain 1 bonus Understanding.

Spend 2 understanding to add the Pestilence tag to your Alkimie concoctions.

2 thoughts on “Back with the plague doctor and some move ideas. Any Advice?”

  1. Michael Llaneza So? That doesn’t seem like useful advice in the slightest.

    Eric Herwaldt​ What is the idea behind these moves, in particular adding a resource for the playbook to keep track of? Autopsia doesn’t seem to amount to anything all that fascinating, for example – it’s just a bit of bonus damage and extra healing. Tell me what you’re planning!

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