Folks, my group is off to a great start but based on where we live (San Miguel De Allende, Mexico) we are thinking…

Folks, my group is off to a great start but based on where we live (San Miguel De Allende, Mexico) we are thinking…

Folks, my group is off to a great start but based on where we live (San Miguel De Allende, Mexico) we are thinking of moving online to a virtual tabletop so we can open up the group to a couple other players. I want something that does good video and audio and wondered if any of you might have some suggestions?

7 thoughts on “Folks, my group is off to a great start but based on where we live (San Miguel De Allende, Mexico) we are thinking…”

  1. I have found that the best way to play dungeon world is trough written chat.

    It’s devoid of connection problems, it’s easy to follow and people do not talk one over the other. Plus, you get a record of everything said about the game.

  2. I like Discord for high action games (my D&D 5e persistent world games), but had trouble with high RP games (the way we tried DW).

    Some people are online often (Discord app on phone) others are online a few times a week.

    Not a problem with high action games because we queue up several turns or say “this is my default attack.” That doesn’t work with high RP games.

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