Just in time for Thanksgiving, I’m releasing a new setting!

Just in time for Thanksgiving, I’m releasing a new setting!

Just in time for Thanksgiving, I’m releasing a new setting! I’ve talked about this a bit in the group, and a lot of ya’lls feedback really helped shape the book. This is my first ever physical release and I’m really proud of the design and art that went into this.

The setting itself is kind of a Weird-Fantasy mashup of Dredd, The Raid, Boy Scouts and Fury Road. Its set in a unique world where diverse races of people make their homes inside immense sky-scraper trees, and you, the Rangers, solve the problems they face.

“Before we were anything, we were nothing

Before we were together, we were alone

Before we were Rangers, we were Boughless

The world as we know it is an infinite forest, so dense that sun rarely pierces the canopy. Beasts and monsters lurk in the shadows, ready to eat anything even remotely unprepared. The only place that’s safe is inside massive, city sized trees, each housing a unique civilization – The Boughs.

That is, of course, unless you join The Rangers.

If you do, you’ll face down Ember-Hounds, teeth dripping with liquid fire. You’ll be called on to stop wars between Boughs, ambush Yix dealers peddling their enchanted drugs, solve mysteries of the endless Firmament deep underground, and explore the outer reaches of the Wastes. You’ll see things you wouldn’t imagine, you’ll tell stories even we won’t believe. It’s not safe, it’s not comfortable and you can’t count on fame and riches.

But we will remember you.

The Boughs cry out, we answer”


5 thoughts on “Just in time for Thanksgiving, I’m releasing a new setting!”

  1. I’m really torn on this – I like the setting, but I would have appreciated a section about how to adapt playbooks or some such; maybe compendium classes as well.

  2. Felix Girke I have some plans to release some free playbooks specifically for Rangers in the future! It just wasn’t something that came up during the design and playtesting, but people have been asking for it since release

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