Jeremy Strandberg Is there some way to convert Stonetop coins economy to match the default DW simple coins?

Jeremy Strandberg Is there some way to convert Stonetop coins economy to match the default DW simple coins?

Jeremy Strandberg Is there some way to convert Stonetop coins economy to match the default DW simple coins?

Like, how much default DW coins a handful of copper represents, or a single silver?

12 thoughts on “Jeremy Strandberg Is there some way to convert Stonetop coins economy to match the default DW simple coins?”

  1. I haven’t done a conversion, no.

    What are you hoping to accomplish? Like, do you want to be able to convert between things on the standard DW list and the Stonetop gear list?

    Or are you just hoping to use a specific number of “coin” for each item, rather than the abstraction of handful/purse?

  2. Gotcha. In that case, the conversion can be whatever you want, as long as you’re consistent about convserions.

    E.g. if you said that “1 dirt item” was worth ~10 coin, then “1 poor item” is worth about ~30 coin, and “1 moderate item” is worth ~90 coin.

    The only other consideration is the Treasure Table, and making sure that the treasure table you use generates acceptable amounts of coin vis-a-vis this new price scale. But considering how arbitrary that relationship in core DW is… I don’t think you risk breaking things too much if you get it wrong.

    Make sense?

  3. Probably the best place to find stuff is trawling through the Stonetop collection on my profile.

    If you’re interested in playtesting and get a group together, let me know and I’ll hook you up with the playtest community and packet. (I do ask that you try to commit to at least 3 sessions, though!)

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