I picked up the D&D 4e Eberron Campaign book at a local used bookstore months ago for $8, then put it on shelf and…

I picked up the D&D 4e Eberron Campaign book at a local used bookstore months ago for $8, then put it on shelf and…

I picked up the D&D 4e Eberron Campaign book at a local used bookstore months ago for $8, then put it on shelf and forgot about it. I opened it up last night to thumb through and found a lot of stuff in it that I really like. The following is a DW’d version of The Chasm of Forgotten Echoes (with lots of room to customize its “cult” and “High Priest”)…

The Cave of Dead Whispers

Long ago an ancient cult sealed the tomb of their High Priest – a forgotten place of power deep inside a cave – with a mortar made from the blood of innocents and the bone-meal of their undead servitors. Centuries later the cave was breached and its new properties were accidentally discovered when one of the intruders by habit asked his long deceased wife “Alright Liana, where’s the good stuff hidden?”. To his and his companion’s horror she replied in a hoarse whisper “Don’t know… not here… when hidden”.

MANY others have come to the Cave of Dead Whispers since to ask questions of the dead, but it must be noted that how you ask a thing is as important as who you ask! It has been told that some spirits give near truths and outright lies if they feel disrespected, or even attack their petitioner if angered!

When you enter the Cave of Dead Whispers and speak the name of a deceased person to ask them a question that can be answered with only a few words, roll + CHA

10+ The GM gives you a truthful answer

7-9 The GM answers vaguely with a near truth or lie